Attacking blank spaces for threat

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So lets say for example - I have just spawned some beastmen and in their first movement they are JUST out of range to attack. Can I still attack with them - say a blank space adjacent to them - so at to at least try to gain a little threat should I roll 2 surges?

We didn't think there would be any problem with this - but I thought I would run it by the forums.

It won't make a lot of threat - but every bit counts does it not!

No, this has been FAQ too I believe. You can only use surges if your attack has a target (both hero and OL). Yes, I know spaces are the real targets in Descent, but in this case, "target" means a space containing an enemy figure.

So, "attacking the darkness" grants you 0 threat, regardless of the surges rolled.


Here are two relevant FAQ entires: (emphasis added)

Q: Can heroes attack an empty square? For example, could a blast effect be centered in an empty square or could a hero fire his Staff of Knowledge off into a corner to burn the overlord’s threat?
A: Yes. However, if after spending surges there are no valid targets in the area of the attack (hero or monster), the entire attack is canceled without effect . This means that if the blast is not large enough, the attack fails, and the Staff of Knowledge must actually hit something to use its ability.

Q: Under what circumstances can the overlord receive threat for rolling surges on an attack roll?
A: The overlord may spend two surges on each attack roll to gain one threat. He may do this on any attack that hits a hero .

And don't forget that this also applies if the attack misses... no spending surges on an X ;)

Nakarashi said:

And don't forget that this also applies if the attack misses... no spending surges on an X ;)

Yeah - figured that one.

Thanks all for the FAQ posts!

I LOVE the game - but just cannot remember everything... need to play every day rather than once every other week. :) I will let the wife know I have to play the game every day now or else we miss some of the rules... I'll see what she thinks about that. :)

Well, after the divorce you will have plenty of time to play Descent :)