Jet Trooper "Jets"

By angelman2, in Legends of the Alliance

Question, in one of the Jabba's Realm missions the regular Jet Troopers gets a bonus called Jets. I'll hide the text behind spoiler tags since it contains mission specific information. What the heck does this mean?

Regular Jet Troopers; Bonus: Jets: At the start of this group’s activation, place each of its figures in a space as close as possible to “a tentacle in this figure’s space; otherwise, the closest healthy Rebel”

(Also, keep in mind that in this mission, “Imperial figures will not voluntarily enter a space with a tentacle").

Can anyone help with this, please? We don't get what the instruction means.

Edited by angelman2
5 minutes ago, angelman2 said:

Question, in one of the Jabba's Realm missions the regular Jet Troopers gets a bonus called Jets. I'll hide the text behind spoiler tags since it contains mission specific information. What the heck does this mean?

Regular Jet Troopers; Bonus: Jets: At the start of this group’s activation, place each of its figures in a space as close as possible to “a tentacle in this figure’s space; otherwise, the closest healthy Rebel”

(Also, keep in mind that in this mission, “Imperial figures will not voluntarily enter a space with a tentacle”


Can anyone help with this, please? We don't get what the instruction means.

I'll put my answer in spoilers as well, based on giving away the mechanics of the Jabba's Realm mission in question.

Basically, this is a more technical way of saying " each figure in a space as close as possible to the closest healthy rebel, but if the jet trooper is already trapped by a tentacle then it doesn't move"

It's a bit of a confusing way to write it, but I guess they were going for something that was both concise and technical (to please all the rules lawyers out there :) )

Edited by ManateeX

Thank you! That makes all kinds of sense :)

What ManateeX said.

Thanks for already asking and answering this question. Just like @angelman2 I had absolutely no idea what it was saying.

Edited by dwaynedauzat

They can fly now?

they fly now!