monster upgrades in the campaigns

By Tarboosh!, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

At first we thought all monsters would naturally upgrade to the corresponding level of progress.(IE once you get a combined 200 xp all catagories would be played as silver level figures).This is not stated anywhere in the books,it only mentions that upon reaching silver or gold level the overlord can now upgrade to that level.Were we jumping to conclusions with this,or does anyone else play this way?


Tarboosh! said:

At first we thought all monsters would naturally upgrade to the corresponding level of progress.(IE once you get a combined 200 xp all catagories would be played as silver level figures).This is not stated anywhere in the books,it only mentions that upon reaching silver or gold level the overlord can now upgrade to that level.Were we jumping to conclusions with this,or does anyone else play this way?


You have to buy the upgrades with XP. They do not upgrade automatically. Ever. (The Avatar is is not an upgrade but always starts as a diamond master regardless of what upgrades have been purchased or not purchased).

RtL pg24/SoB pg33
Each monster has a Copper, Silver, Gold, and Diamond form. At the start of the campaign, all monsters begin in their Copper form. The overlord can upgrade all of the monsters in one category (humanoid, beast, or eldritch) by spending the XP shown on his Avatar sheet, according to the following rules.

Every single time that monster upgrades are mentioned in the books they are associated with a purchase or cost.

You were jumping to conclusions. You still need to buy the Copper to Silver upgrade for the other two groups (assuming you've upgraded one group to silver already), as well as upgrade one Silver to Gold. Some games, an OL may decide to not upgrade a monster group at all, leaving it at Copper the entire campaign.


Thanks guys,

We came to the same conclusion,just figured I would double check.

Don't overlord LT's upgrade automatically?

Chernobyl said:

Don't overlord LT's upgrade automatically?

The Lts do, but its stated in the rulebook that they use the stats associated with the current campaign level.

RtL pg16. Lts Summary sidebar

A lieutenant’s statistics vary with the campaign level; each lieutenant card lists statistics for Copper, Silver, and Gold campaign levels.

Yeah, Lt's don't "upgrade", they just simply "are"...


shnar said:

Yeah, Lt's don't "upgrade", they just simply "are"...


That was almost philosophical shnar, I'm proud of you gran_risa.gif