Flew 2 battles tonight and ended up dominating for the most part
Rexlar with juke
Scimitar, barrage, and seismic x3
1st game against 2x jakku gunnrunners, drea, and 4x z-95s
Debris placement was pretty normal. 1 large rock in the center with the rest scattered at range 2 around it.
He deployed in 2 groups in the corners and with the quads split in each group. Round 1 and 2 was slow moving towards each other with shots exchanged on round 3.
First shots put drea down to 2 hull left with rexlar and 1 bomber shooting and 1 z down to 1 hp. In exchange a bomber took 5 damage allowing it to drop a seismic next turn which ended up hitting 2 Zs and a quad. Also dropped a bomb at the center rock woch hit 2 Zs making 2 damage on 1 Z.
He tractored a bomber onto a rock killing it. Rexlar 3 turned to get a shot on drea. And the other 2 bombers ran away.
Round 4. Rexlar blasts drea, bombers take 3 damage a piece.
Round 5. Rexlar 3 turns and vaporizes a quad, 2 bombers 2 turn into the swarm and kill 2 more Zs.
At this point we've been flying for almost 2 hours and he calls the game. End rexlar full health, 1 bomber dead and 2 on half health to his 3 dead Zs, 1 dead quad, dead drea, and half points on the remaining.
Bombs did a lot more work than barrage rockets but the bombers soaked almost all the attacks each turn allowing rexlar to get behind everyone and turn them to goo.
Game 2.
Luke with heightened perception, protons, and r2.
Thane with protons and marksman
A uwing I cant remember but Leia was on board.
Round 1 slow roll.
Round 2 slow roll with rexlar in the middle and a bomber doing a 3 bank into the fight.
Round 3. Thane shoots a proton at rexlar taking 2 shields. Rexlar returns fire taking off 2 shields and 2 bombers do 1 damage each with rockets.
Round 4. Rexlar 3 turns into the xwings getting a range 1 at luke. After luke and thane shoot a bomber putting 5 damage on it all **** breaks loose. Rexlar scores 2x hit 2x crit on luke to his blanks. 2 bomber have thane in bullseye and vaporize him. Last bomber puts 3 damage into the u wing and he conceded.
Rock placement in the middle and about range 2 away is key for the siesmics as I couldn't get one to go off in the second game.
Deploying spread out about 3 base lengths away from each other with the bombers is very important as it allows flexabilitywoth the initial engagement.
Rexlar is a beast and lays hate after the 1st engagement as 3 turns and banks with a boost allows a juke combo and gets him in generally unblockable positions.
Of note both games were against people that routinely destroy me week to week.