Genestealer cultists

By pearldrum1, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Has anyone stated any Genestealer cultists for any games? If so, what base profile did you start from and what special attributes/traits/talents do you recommend as must-haves for them?

I suppose I should also ask, does a stat block for these guys appear anywhere in any of the published material?

The Master Bestiary says:

Infected Auran Warrior     Human     Tyranid     Deathwatch     The Emperor Protects     50

Auran Warrior     Human     Non-affiliated     Deathwatch     The Emperor Protects     47

So there are even modified vs. baseline stats. For the Auran strain, but they all should be close enough anyway, or you could compare purestrain 'stealers and "shift weight" between the modified attributes a little.

And there is old fanmade supplement: " Genestealers Cults " with a lot of ideas.

15 hours ago, TBeholder said:

The Master Bestiary says:

Infected Auran Warrior     Human     Tyranid     Deathwatch     The Emperor Protects     50

Auran Warrior     Human     Non-affiliated     Deathwatch     The Emperor Protects     47

So there are even modified vs. baseline stats. For the Auran strain, but they all should be close enough anyway, or you could compare purestrain 'stealers and "shift weight" between the modified attributes a little.

This is great. I will have to nerf them, I am sure, as they come from Deathwatch. Either way, that is a start and I am grateful.

5 hours ago, Jargal said:

And there is old fanmade supplement: " Genestealers Cults " with a lot of ideas.

This is amazing. Exactly what I was looking for. Great detail went into that too. I am thoroughly impressed. Thanks, Jargal!