Judging by the 2.0 errata file and the thread of the previous URL, I think the old full auto burst errata is still lingering in the second example on page 193.
As it is, the mutant scored 3 degrees of success, so theoretically he should have inflicted 3 more hits for a total of 4 hits. And Father Horst's Dodge roll, with only 2 degrees of success, would have avoided only 2 of these extra hits, so all in all our poor clericsman has suffered 2 hits, and not avoided all the damage as the example reads.
Can anyone please confirm this point? Would it be right if I changed the "full auto burst" in this example with "semi auto burst"? That way it would read correctly, wouldn't it? I just need to be clear in this one, I'm doing a translation and don't wanna confuse Spanish readers.