So today I was going to my favorite store to buy X-Wing. 2.0. I planed to buy a core box and two conversion kit (empire and Rebels). But what a surprise that it should’nt be enough to play 2.0 with my little collection of fighters...( I count the numbers of ships on the back of the conversion kit and I have less ships than that).
- Only 4 Shields tokens with one core box and 2 convention kits... I can’t even play with juste the millenium falcon how needs 5 of these...
- If it said on the box 4 tie fighters, I don’t have the upgrade cards that is in 4 boxes of tie fighters...
- Far too few other tokens to play some squads in the conversion kit.
- Some of the named ships are printed on the same base on both side...
Thank’s to a cutomer who's been hooked and can’t even play with all the new stuff out of the conversion kit...
So I leave the store without anything from FFG X-wing’s game. And I wonder why did they do like that? Is it realy a mistake? I don’t think so. It’s perfectly calculated to buy and buy more stuff that older players do not need, to go in 2.0. But I think it would have been fair to let the older gamers of X-wings just have enough in one core box and one conversion kit to play his faction.
No 2.0 for me for now...
Sorry about my (poor) english...
Edited by Brednul