My group had a few CE games this weekend. One of my friends was playing as Fungus. The power for Fungus says " As a main player or ally, after you win an encounter in which you have at least one ship, use this power to capture any losing ships, stacking them under one or more of your ships in the encounter instead of sending them to the warp ". In the first encounter in which Fungus was victorious, he had only one ship in the encounter. He took EVERY opposing ship and stacked it under his one ship... making for a rather large stack. There was confusion as to whether the rule would be to stack only one ship for each ship he has in the encounter, or if he was correct in taking every single opposing ship under his one ship.
Another question is what happens to the stack if... say... Shadow targeted it for execution? My thought is that the entire stack would go to the warp. Also, what would happen if a stack was lost to Void? Would the entire stack be permanently destroyed?