Request: Sharing via QR code or direct link

By FirstEarth, in X-Wing Squad Builder

When sharing a list please include the following two options:

Show a QR code on the mobile screen

provide the direct link to be able to copy and paste into other apps.

for now we can only share via facebook twitter and this forum. The easiest way to get the direct link is to copy it from the bottom of the forum share.

Más a result my message groups are slowly being filled with PDFs when links would be a better option.

the qr code would make it easier to send a list to someone who is with you and would also make tournament checkin easier as organisers could just scan in all lists.

+ Copy a text based list into your clipboard.

I love to share over text message and every other squad builder app I have ever used has had that option...

As of right now we are saving to pdf and screenshotting the pdf's to share...

Given that we don't have a way to know if any list is legal by just looking at the cards on the table, and given that there seems to be some emphasis on alternate formats going forward, and given that part of the point of the app is to facilitate errata, shouldn't sharing lists between players within the app be a thing? Shouldn't this especially be a thing with tourneys? The TO should be able to easily collect all the lists in the event via the app. Then FFG could get really good information on what's going on with their game in the wild.

The QR code has been added to the mobile app. So that's a step in the right direction. a direct link for messaging is still a must in my opinion.

right now the only way to get the permalink is to use the forum share option as follows:

T-65 X-wing - Cavern Angels Zealot - 64
Cavern Angels Zealot - (41)
Ion Torpedoes (6)
R2-D2 (8)
Inertial Dampeners (1)
Afterburners (8)
Servomotor S-foils (Open) (0)

Total: 64/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

which is a bit awkward for sharing in messages as it's written in BB Code.

all we need is access to the link at the bottom by itself.

You can get the direct link from sharing to twitter and the link is in the preview