Early 2.0 Matches

By Ronu, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So 3 matchups today against different players.

My list was called Quads:

Echo: Juke Agent Kallus

Lt. Kestal: ICT, VTG and Debris Gambit

Turr Phenner: Marksmanship

Saber Squadron Ace: Marksmanship

First list was Wedge, Bralen and Ten Numb.

I had the bid and passed initiative. The B-wings were forced to separate to avoid Ion and over a rock on the second round. Which caused a bus stop with Wedge in the top of the third. Turr and the Saber finished Wedge and the B-wings were either Ioned and left to float or we’re out of position to handle the squirrelly Phantom and interceptors.

Second list was against, Whisper, Duchess, and Rexlar. Lots and lots of positioning. Lost Echo due to a dumb flying error. Got Duchess and then dice on both sides went cold. Lost eventually but was a really sad affair.

Third match was 2 E-Wings and Jake Farrell. Initial engagement saw Echo lose shields to a Proton Torp. Jake was in arc of all 4 Ships and went pop. One E-Wing went down two shields. 2 Rounds later, one E-wing down traded for Echo. Couple of rounds later, was able to finally get the final E-Wing.

Echo needs lots of practice again. The Interceptors were just beast that did work like old times. The Aggressor was not bad but not shining either.