Eternal Night victory!!

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just to announce you the great conclusion of our RtL Campaign...!

Late in Gold (about 530 ct), Lady Liza brought the

( mistake: the post continues here...!)

....Lady Liza brought the Sun Stone in Plains of the Ruby Gate, after the party was blocked on the way to reach her by the Brokentooth's wild pack, at the Paceful Glade location, where it's possible to roll only up to three power dice at once...

The battle against the pack of Diamond Hellhounds was very climatic, since the party was ambushed...

After the first round 2 of 4 heroes were knocked down (the two mages, Kel and Shiver). Karnon resisted and killed one Hellhound in his next turn...but at last he died in the third turn of the battle.

With only Tobin alive, the battle became a bloody duel between the archer and the wild pack...

At first the hero killed the Leader (Brokentooth itself), after 4 attacks....but, in the end, he died, by the breaths of the last 2 Hellhounds.....

So, with the party again in Tamalir, Lady Liza easly went away on her way toward the Plains of the Ruby Gate....

Conclusion: after 40 game weeks (about 3 months of play), the Great Wyrm won this epic war!

What an awesome experience!

What a FANTASTIC game!!!


Impressive! And that hero party wasn't exactly a bad draw either, making the victory even more impressive!

It sounds like you did something wrong if 2 heroes died the first round. Heroes still go first in an ambush in RtL, and the one awake hero can always attack the sleeping heroes to wake them up, meleeing for 1 red die if nothing else. the 3 other heroes should be able to do some good damage, or at the very least spread out to avoid breath attacks.

I never read any rule that states you can attack a friendly figure (except when a blast/breath/bolt attack influences the space where the friends are in....) Is it really possible? And, if yes, you could even choose how many dice to roll in the attack against you friends?

In this case we MUST to replay the scenario: of course, Tobin could awake the other sleeping heroes, and this could really change the outcome of the battle....

Well, I think that the logic suggests that during an ambush the enemies attacking a sleeping party, in the middle of the night...most of the times go to kill the heroes, and stop talking.

BTW, we really need to clarify this issue, and we are ready to reput ourselves in the fury of the battle....if necessary!

If the party was able to win the battle against the Brokentooth's wild pack, then could be a concrete possibility to reach Lady Liza along the way, before she ends her trip at the Ruby Gate with the Sun Stone....

Then this epic war could go on.....

I don't recall it being in the rule books or the FAQ, but it is in the GLoAQ:

Can a hero target a square with another hero in it? e.g. If he wants to use "Blast", and the target hero is willing to risk taking damage. Or, if a hero wants to remove the "Sleep" effect token from another hero.

Can a hero making a melee attack choose not to do damage with Power Enhancement results by claiming he is taking the Range result (which then has no effect)?
Yes. He is also not obligated to spend all his surges.

If you choose to do an unarmed attack, you roll the red die plus any melee power dice. However, you can choose to take the range results from any power enhancements rolled and can choose not to spend surges (though there's probably not anything to spend them on anyway if it's an unarmed attack), so the power dice don't actually matter.

Ok really seems we're going to have a reprise of the war between Good and Evil....!

Thanks for the answers!

TheHunterBoy said:

Ok really seems we're going to have a reprise of the war between Good and Evil....!

Thanks for the answers!

Nothing like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

Well, we played again the scenario, with Tobin awakening the sleeping heroes on his first turn, but the battle outcome, at last, was the same...

So, I can finnaly confirm the end of our campaign with the victory of the Great Wyrm by plot, after the TPK made by Brokentooth's pack at the Paceful Glade location!

We had really a great fun!

Some take home messages for us:

1) Diamond creatures (i.e. beasts) are inceredibly strong (pierce 5 with breath for a normal hellhound is a pain in the ass even for the best party...)

2) To use Threat as Fatigue even in the battles inside the Dungeons makes more balanced the encounters: we'll definitively confirm this house rule!

3) Trolls (my favourite ones!) are too powerful even at the copper stage...but higly unaffidable!

4) Dark Priests rule (what a great enemies)!!

5) Dar Hizelrnod MUST siege Tamalir (and probably can easly raze it, expecially if there's any other LT in play)

6) The duration of the Campiagn with the Great Wyrm seems to be shorter: we had "only" 26 encounters (dungeons & outodoors) in 40 weeks of campaign...

7) Karnon with a good armor, the Snake Sword, a good off-hand weapon, Berserker plus Knight abilities and 3 gold dice in melee is like a tornado....

8) Tobin, probably, with his special ability, is one of the best hero of the entire game