Expensive treachery?!

By Dexnus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello Overlords!

We are about to enter the silver campaign. So far, it seems, the treachery upgrades are quite too expensive compared to other upgrades like lieutnants or monster upgrades (or avatar upgrades). Why would anyone spend 10 or more points on just a single card? I know that they can also brought into play in a lieutnant encounter but are they really worth it?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!



Depends on your play style from my experience. Currently, our OL is spending his experience on Treachery cards, 4 of them so far. It makes a difference in the long run. Replacing cards you normally throw away for the odd 3 or so threat during your draw and discard phase. and now they have been replaced by something worth playing in those instances. Sure it takes a while to gather up those cards in the first place, but try and buy the cards when heros are hitting a town for 3 weeks in a row for training or something.

Personally, I like to delve into the red deck and grab a beastman card, or kobold card. If you have a chance to summon, why not summon 9 kobolds instead of 6, or 5 beastmen instead of 3?
In a pinch, or 3rd level dungeon that you want to make absolutely more difficult, these are some of the bombs you could throw at the heros to deal with. On the other hand, if your heros get ahold of a web weapon, or a weapon that you just hate having to deal with. try looking through the Green Treachery deck, I wont name the card, I'll leave that surprise just for you :)



agreeing with TheQuitter i love those cards and having special cards depending on the weapons or abilities of the heroes sure does help slow them down oh and also removing effects like web or burn to your boss is just wicked and probably the best card is destroying weapons or armour sure can halt an attack

just saying those cards are probably the best upgrade besides your critters

It has been my experience (which is certainly more limited than many people so take it with a grain of salt), that the campaign game is ALWAYS won or lost by the heroes in the LT battles. If they can manage them well the heroes will eventually win the campaign, if they can't stop his LTs the overlord's victory is secured. Hence I think treachery is a very important upgrade, if only for the LT fights alone, there are other nice ones to be sure, but having a hand full of treachery cards in a LT fight can turn a moderately challenging fight into a real nightmare for the heroes.

I've bought a lot of treachery.Mostly for the versatility it adds to the deck.Don't forget you could choose not to spend the treachery and add threat or extra cards to your starting hand.Personally I add another dark charm,spell of binding,elite skeletons and then draw an extra two cards with the unspent points.All in hopes that I can get evil genius out early in the match.