Hey all and you at FFG The Terrain Tutor is looking for a thumbs up on doing a series on Terrain for Legion lets vote this up and get the guys at FFG to reply to him. Go to this video and let him know you want it. He speaks to the point at 8:51
Hey all and you at FFG The Terrain Tutor is looking for a thumbs up on doing a series on Terrain for Legion lets vote this up and get the guys at FFG to reply to him. Go to this video and let him know you want it. He speaks to the point at 8:51
Awesome post. I think a lot of us owe Mel the Terrain Tutor a ton of thanks for his vids. I know I've found his videos full of useful info and entertainment. I'd love to see him get involved with Legion.
Would definitely like to see him do some legion stuff.
Sadly can't say I'm surprised he has had trouble getting in contact with fantasy flight, based on their history of being completely hands-off with the community.
Absolutely love Mel! I watch his vids for inspiration all the time. He is the best, yeah.
I love Mel's videos as well. Have been watching all his jungle build stuff with the thought I might try some Yavin themed stuff. I hope he does some Legion specific stuff.
I hope FFG responds to him. They did reach out to Sorastro (very deservedly) to put together painting videos for the minis.
Edited by ThevshiPlease FFG let this man know he is free to make Legion and X-Wing terrain tutorials!
On 10/10/2018 at 6:24 AM, Andreu said:Please FFG let this man know he is free to make Legion and X-Wing terrain tutorials!
You’re absolutely right, please FFG please ?
Agreed. Mel's work is top notch. Please FFG, please.
Yes absolutely! I literally just created an account just so I could say how great an idea this is.
In fact, I was actually on the fence about even getting into legion, since I'm so heavily invested in xwing, armada, and imperial assault. However, watching Mel's videos made me realise that I didn't have to spend an arm and a leg to get amazing looking terrain on the table, and that I could have fun making it.
It seems to me anything that lowers the barrier for entry for new players seems like it would be a good thing.
Mel is simply put an amazing terrain artist! His d-day board for bolt action is probably the best piece of gaming table i have ever seen, and his dedication and genious ideas is beyond brilliant!
Together with Lukes APS, Mels channel is everything you could ever need for building terrain!
Mel did another channel update a couple weeks ago where he stated he is now in discussions with FFG about making some Legion themed terrain videos.
I hope Mel and FF do well. I would like to see terrain kits for Legion.