Set for Stun

By hypnosis11, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

On 9/19/2018 at 6:28 PM, brettpkelly said:

I agree that it's not thematic, but it's definitely not imbalanced or game breaking

I wouldn't go as far as "game breaking", but... one of your low-threat support figures (Gideon, or R2) inflicting an automatic Stun ned when all they need is LOS, not range or damage, taking out 1/4 or 1/6th of a powerful model's actions in a game, for zero Command points ? Not game breaking, no (you still need to draw the card, they might have Rally, etc.) but extremely good for the cost, IMO.

Not as valuable for 0 points as Take Initiative (though even that card comes with a downside - albeit a usually-manageable one), but likely to have more of an impact on the game than most of the other 0-point cards, I think. (Depending on your list, and the opponent's list, and the game state, and all the usual disclaimers).

Edited by Bitterman

One potential issue I can see is that it is a guaranteed Stun with no requirement of doing damage

Denying Han Solo or Vader's free end of round attack could potentially be game-changing unless your opponent has Unshakable or something similar, ex. if you're facing Han Solo and have this card in hand, you could use the last activation figure to set-for-stun Han Solo

3 hours ago, ricope said:

One potential issue I can see is that it is a guaranteed Stun with no requirement of doing damage

It's guaranteed Stunned da-mit. ;)

5 hours ago, a1bert said:

It's guaranteed Stunned da-mit. ;)

Keep fighting the good fight!

I agree there are some strong plays you can pull off with the card. It's a good tech against smuggler shenanigans and melee. It still costs an action to use and gideon usually has other good options for his actions. Overall it's a good card, definitely on the power curve, not op.

6 hours ago, brettpkelly said:

I agree there are some strong plays you can pull off with the card. It's a good tech against smuggler shenanigans and melee. It still costs an action to use and gideon usually has other good options for his actions. Overall it's a good card, definitely on the power curve, not op.

A 2 pt Hired Gun can move 5 and use the card

A 2 pt Smuggler can move 4 and use the card

A 2 pt Officer can move 4 and use the card

The action cost doesn't matter.

Heck IG could use it: Move 2, stun target, attack, blaze, attack, attack, move 2.

Edited by Kalandros

A 2pt smuggler already has a surge for stun, and they are not broken. This card makes that stun much more reliable, but it costs a card slot. A smuggler with element of surprise could already reliably stun most figures in the game. I understand the power of the card, but i still insist that it's not overpowered. All those scenarios you said are absolutely fine.

On 9/22/2018 at 4:07 AM, brettpkelly said:

A 2pt smuggler already has a surge for stun, and they are not broken. This card makes that stun much more reliable, but it costs a card slot. A smuggler with element of surprise could already reliably stun most figures in the game. I understand the power of the card, but i still insist that it's not overpowered. All those scenarios you said are absolutely fine.

I suppose it’s really the high range stun that this card offers that annoys people the most.

the Smuggler would have to get within probably range 3 to reliably hit the stun?

Edited by Majushi
1 hour ago, Majushi said:

I suppose it’s really the high range Tun that this card offers that annoys people the most.

the Smuggler would have to get within probably range 3 to reliably hit the stun?

I can see how it could be annoying. Doesn't mean it's significantly better than the 0 cost cards that already see play

Zero points for a guaranteed stun? Sign me up.

Does the attack need to make range? Ie. Could I stun Han from across the map? @a1bert

Edited by NeverBetTheFett
7 minutes ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

Zero points for a guaranteed stun? Sign me up.

Does the attack need to make range? Ie. Could I  stun  Han from across the map? @a1bert

Does not need to make range.

5 minutes ago, brettpkelly said:

Does not need to make range.

OMG!!! Absolute auto-include. Yes, bring on your "6 figure (aka SC)" rebel lists. I can't wait until my jawa stuns Ezra from across the map.

Edited by NeverBetTheFett

PLS delete this

Edited by DanielZietek

Clarification on 5. - The target would be stunned during step 7, thus is already stunned before "after the attack resolves".

#4 seems counter to RAW, but i guess that's the ruling we have. per the FAQ, the only effects that should be invalidated by the defender moving are abilities that refer to a target space, which set for stun does not do.

FAQ says:

"During an attack, if the attacker’s line of sight to the target
space changes or if the defender moves, the attacker must then
re-declare a target space. If none of the defender’s spaces are
eligible, the attack misses, there is no target space, and abilities
that refer to a target space have no effect."

by Todd's new logic in this ruling, does this mean that all effects fail after OTL? for example, abiities like Blaise's Interrogate, Leia's Military Efficiency, or Recover.

Edited by Fightwookies

#4 - right, the rule only says there is no target space. I have argued that there is no target either, but I wasn't sure how it would be interpreted. (I.e. I assumed there is still a target. However, the miss rule overrides the regular rule about cancelling abilities that became invalid, so the attack still gets performed.)

Edited by a1bert