i wanto to make a toriko rpg with this book. how do i make the monsters from the show in this game?
how to make monsters for genesys (toriko)
Have you read pages 202–203 in the core rule book? If so, what about it did you not understand?
I have read it. I just dont know exactly what's weak or strong in genesys, basically I have no baseline to base my npc's power off of. Also I'm dense and relatively new to dming and very new to genesys. I'm also more of a visual learner and book learning is hard for me. Also I dont k ow where to pull the stat based I fo from in the book cause the layout is confusing.
Edited by goobahead1I would highly recommend downloading the document from this thread.
It's a compilation of all currently official NPC's and their stat blocks. Looking them over was very helpful for me when i started making my own setting.
Other then that I would recommend looking at some Star Wars adventures for an idea of how many of what type of enemy to throw at your party. Otherwise just run a few games, it's the best way to get a feel for how strong your enemies should be. Don't worry about sending something too strong, it's very hard to reach perma-death in Genesys. Just have the players be kidnapped, or wake up with all of their gear stolen.
ok thanks! i will read this now!