My friends and I played this primarily after work,(we worked the graveyard shift, quite appropriate) and so we would close sleeping when we first started playing but by the end we would all be yelling and screaming at each other and having a grand old tim. Excellent game, although the Hunters are still 0 - 4.
Best Played on little or no sleep
Really? 4 victories for dracula, dont the hunters work well together? In our group it is 50/50 for the crone.
The Hunters were always just about to corner Drac when ill timed cards allowed him to vanish to another part of the board, and the Hunters would run out of time.
Yeah there's some real tight finishes with this game.
You must be running off of that last boost of adrenaline you get right before your first major exhausting wave. I mean, you get tired, and then you feel exhausted, and then your body realizes you're going to be up for a few more hours and drops into emergency mode, drudging up energy that you normally shouldn't use. You get excited, aggitated, lively, wide-eyed. The next wave of exhaustion is worse. I've only made it about 48 hours, and the next day I wake up after that I feel like I've been hit in the face with a brick.
How can you play Drac with lack of sleep?! The concentration must be too much!