IC Thread: Dawn of the Clone Wars - Abduction on Naboo

By Sincereagape, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

(GM Note: Greets. Official IC thread for Abduction on Naboo. Good luck. Have fun. May the force be with you).


It was mid-morning when the asymmetrical cube shaped G-9 Light freighter touched down upon the space port in DEE’JA PEEK with a loud hiss. Smoke originating from the heat generated by the ship emerged right after the landing pads hit the ground.

Dee'ja Peak

The surrounding space port was circular in shape reinforced by concrete walling. Word around the small city mountain city that a unit from the Republic would be touching down upon this spaceport spread among the local military.

As a result, the group notices two merchants, one an Ithorian and the other a Sullastan waiting for them over half a dozen cargo containers each to see if the heroes would be interested in purchasing their goods.

All around them they can view a picturesque mountain range surrounding the city. Flowing from one of the mountain ranges was a waterfall that flowed at a steady rate. The water emitting from the fall was clear blue and drinkable.

Along with the two merchants, there are four human soldiers of the Naboo royal guard. The guards were adorned in stripped crimson padded armor, black military helmets, and armed with large heavy blasters. Standing in the front of their formation was a human of black ethnicity dressed in what appeared to be an officer’s uniform.

It certainly appeared that the Queen of Naboo had sent this small group to meet and greet the members of this Peacekeeping task force.

As each of you steps off the G-9 Rigger, it is the Captain of the guard who greets you.

“Welcome or welcome back to Naboo. My name is Captain Quarsh Panaka . I have been sent of Queen Amidala to assist you in I can. I believe you are to investigate the disappearance of Crysenia Valorum?”

A tall man, middle aged with the beginnings of gray in his beard reaches to shake Captain Panaka's hand.

"Good morning Captain. Commander Hek Tillis at your service. What information can you provide us regard Ms. Valorum and her last known whereabouts?"

With a stern look Quarsh Panaka eyes Hek Tillis from head to toe. Nodding in approval Panaka responds,

”Commander, Valorum’s daughter was commuting between Dee’ja Peak, a gungan village, and a human colony. The three locations geographically form a triangle and are roughly 80 kilometers from each other. She left Dee’ja Peak four days ago and was planning a visit to both the gungan village and the colony. We sent soldiers to both locations.....despite our efforts the gungan and colonists were both uncooperative with my investigations.”

There is a slight sense of scorn in Panaka’s voice when he mentions the colony and gungans.

A young Cathar, in Jedi tunics and bare feet, strides down the gangplank, and, seeing the soldiers, walks right up to the biggest one.

"Hi. I'm Rhothgar," he growls, gleefully; a big toothy grin on his face. "Do you wanna spar?"

Edited by Tramp Graphics

"Captain Panaka." A human with short brown hair and a long reddish trenchcoat strides off the ship next, nodding at the officer. "Inspector Lance Deckard, Republic Special Task Force. It would be a pleasure to revisit your beautiful mountains, under other circumstances."


"How was she getting about, and with whom?"

Saul Keepf, a short Polis Massan slowly steps off the rigger. He is dressed in Jedi concealing robes of a dark brown color, his belt is black along with his boots.

He gives Captain Panaka and his subordinates a respectful bow.

Waiting for his turn for introductions, Padawan Keepf begins broadcasting a message from his mind, anyone close enough would hear his words in a soft tone.

"Greetings Captain Panaka, my name is Saul Keepf. Your planet is exquisite, if only we were here on better terms."

Anyone giving the the Polis Massan attention would notice these words are not coming from his mouth.

Elas stood nearby, zipping pockets on his matte gray backpack. He relaxed for a moment but quickly resumed his fidgeting, unzipping just as many pockets and rifling through his own supplies to make sure he would be ready. His head-tendrils swam upwards of their own volition into the air, excited from their normal droopy state by the foreign sense of mountain air. They form a sort of maroon-and-blue mohawk against his bright saffron skin tone. Aware of his brightness, Elas wears a lot of dark blacks.

He glanced around, uncomfortable and wondering sarcastically if mission brief details are customarily shared on landing pads on Naboo. Elas listened to Panaka’s answers to Commander Tillis nonetheless, reminding himself that Crysenia might actively be in danger. In preparation, Elas had read a few HoloNet reports of the Trade Federation’s continued hostile activities. He didn’t yet have a sense of the present state of things, but he worried that the problems were bad enough to merit investment into a peace force.

"Oh, Elas Van Dez," he ventured as he realized introductions seemed to be happening in a somewhat official capacity.

Captain Panaka sized up each individual who greeted him. After scanning Hek Tillis head to toe, Panaka nods his head towards the Polis Massan, "As do I. Rest assured Queen Amidala and the Royal Council of Naboo are grateful that you are here. In fact, Graf Zapalo , Minister of the Sciences is somewhere in Dee'Ja Peak and looking forward to meeting all of you."

Panaka turned his attention towards Lance Deckard, "Well met Inspector. Valorum was traveling in between the three area using a Skiff . The Gungan village is difficult to get to via land, so she went up the river using the skiff," Panaka said pointing towards the body of water that existed at the base of the city. "The skiff provided her with the ability to travel over the land and water. Valorum also traveled with a body guard, a Nautolan named Brec Airgang. Airgang piloted the skiff too."

Panaka raised a brow at the Cathar. The Captain of the guard noticed Rthogar challenging the the largest of the soldiers of Naboo, who happened to be a former mechanic in the Theed airbase. The mechanic seemed interested. Rolling up a sleeve,

"Stand down Corporal," Panaka commanded, prompting the 'German Mechanic' to do just that. "Aren't you on a Republic mission Jedi? If Crysenia Valorum has indeed been kidnapped, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to 'spar' for real."


OOC: Make 2 separate perception checks in the OOC thread.

  1. Standard skill check using perception vs average difficulty.
  2. Second is an competitive check. You are rolling a HARD perception skill check with 2 Setback dice .

Zein comes walking down the boarding ramp, looking about the ship. Checking the hull for any possible damage during the last travel. He turns to acknowledge the greeting party.

In Sullstan, he addresses the leader "Greetings, Zien Aborb, at your service Captain."

Upon seeing Zein walk down the boarding ramp, one of the soldiers whispers to the German Mechanic, "Whoa, the G-9 is an ancient relic. That Sullstan is brave to fly that thing."

(Edit: After Zein's roll)

The German mechanic turns to the other soldier. "Yes. But not a scratch on her eh? Remind me to ask that Sullstan if he is interested in adding any modifications to the ship."


making a piloting check vs average difficulty in OOC thread to see if you had any 'nicks or dings' coming out of orbit, flying through Naboo's atmosphere, and making a landing in a city surrounded by mountains. I believe the G-9 Rigger has -2 handling, but I can let you negate that penalty if you have Zein 'take his time' flying in.[/spoilers]

Edited by Sincereagape
Added German Mechanic response after Gman's roll.

Hek turns to Panaka. "Captain, are the queen or minister Zapalo expecting us immediately or do we (Hek gestures to the other task force members) have a moment to get our bearings and discuss our first move?"

"Feel free to take as long as you need to get your bearings," Panaka responds, shaking Hek's hand. "The Minister should be somewhere in the city if you wish to speak with him. Some of the merchants of the city are here at disposal as well," Panaka says gesturing to the Ithorian and Sullastan with their cargo containers.

(Panaka is still here if you want to ask him questions or request something).

Listening in on the briefing from Captain Panaka. The name Airgang strikes his attention.

"Do you know know this.. Airgang? Has this bodyguard been in the service of the Valorum girl for long?" Keepf broadcasts in his soft tone. All the while making hand gestures.

A crashing sound comes from the hold of the ship, along with some words that could be offensive in some dialects.

Moments later a human male with dark brown hair and gray eyes, wearing sturdy clothes of neutral colors comes walking down the ramp, carrying several items of gear. As he finishes walking up to the back of the party, he finishes tucking stimpacks into the pouches on his belt, and slips his combat knife into his dark brown catchvest. Muttering to himself, you can overhear: "Just when you think you have everything all settled..." He takes a knee to strap his blaster carbine to his backpack, a broken sling still attached to the barrel.

He looks up, seeming to just notice Panaka for the first time. "My most sincere apologies for keeping you waiting, my name is Jonus Dunn." He offers Panaka his hand, but his eyes are scanning the rooftops and doorways of the landing pad.

With the hood of his dark brown jedi robes down, as so to reveal his young face and dark blonde curly hair, a human being steps down the boarding ramp after Jonus. The man calmly follows, and after awaiting for what seems to be an opportune time he reaches out for Captain Panaka´ s hand as well in cordial greeting.

" Well met, Captain. My name is Jonjo Horot, and as you well expect, I am part of this special investigative unit on behalf of the Jedi Counsil. "

Having made his introduction, Jonjo turns around, and reveals his other hand, a stimpack in it. Though some might consider it to be inpolite, Jonjo lowers his voice to a whisper when he stands next to Jonus, and hands him the item.

" I believe this little one belongs to you. It rolled behind one of the support struts in there. "

Edited by Xcapobl
22 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

Captain Panaka sized up each individual who greeted him. After scanning Hek Tillis head to toe, Panaka nods his head towards the Polis Massan, "As do I. Rest assured Queen Amidala and the Royal Council of Naboo are grateful that you are here. In fact, Graf Zapalo , Minister of the Sciences is somewhere in Dee'Ja Peak and looking forward to meeting all of you."

Panaka turned his attention towards Lance Deckard, "Well met Inspector. Valorum was traveling in between the three area using a Skiff . The Gungan village is difficult to get to via land, so she went up the river using the skiff," Panaka said pointing towards the body of water that existed at the base of the city. "The skiff provided her with the ability to travel over the land and water. Valorum also traveled with a body guard, a Nautolan named Brec Airgang. Airgang piloted the skiff too."

Panaka raised a brow at the Cathar. The Captain of the guard noticed Rthogar challenging the the largest of the soldiers of Naboo, who happened to be a former mechanic in the Theed airbase. The mechanic seemed interested. Rolling up a sleeve,

"Stand down Corporal," Panaka commanded, prompting the 'German Mechanic' to do just that. "Aren't you on a Republic mission Jedi? If Crysenia Valorum has indeed been kidnapped, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to 'spar' for real."


OOC: Make 2 separate perception checks in the OOC thread.

  1. Standard skill check using perception vs average difficulty.
  2. Second is an competitive check. You are rolling a HARD perception skill check with 2 Setback dice .

Rhothgar bows his head, sulking. "But I wanna spaaaaaaar," he wines, before rejoining the rest of the group.

"Let's walk, while we talk, shall we?" Four days is a long time, for something like this, with no contact.. no ransom demands.. Brec Airgang.. Nautolan..? The Investigator feels he should know the name, but.. nothing. Lance turns to the Captain, again.

"In terms of equipment.. our detail was necessarily deployed on the fly.. Perhaps you might have some stun grenades, maybe a few A99s we could requisition? Better to have'em an' not need 'em, as they say."

Panaka motioned in the direction for them to take a walk. He was bringing them further into the smaller city. Behind them, was a peak that stood over the city walls. A giant waterfall cascaded down the peak into a river below. The current in the waterfall had picked up as they were beginning the walk.

"Of course. Stun grenades and A99s breathing devices will be made available to you along with anything else you request. Queen Amidala has asked me to assist you to the best of my ability. If we have it, you shall be provided."

Hek addresses Captain Panaka as they make their way further into the city. "Captain, you had mentioned that you sent soldiers to both the gungan village and the human colony but came up empty. You're certainly more fluent than myself when it comes to the indigenous people of Naboo so maybe you can enlighten me; is there a particular reason both tribes would be uncooperative in the investigation?"

The Ithorian's name is Wimmel. Light brown in skin and dressed in a purple vest with matching baggy silk pants. Wimmel had been on the planet of Naboo for the better part of a year. He had taken advantage of the reputation the Ithorian's had for being kind in nature. Within a few weeks Wimmel had polluted the Ithorian reputation with his dealings

Ithorian Speech ...

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Helloooooooooooo the name is Wimmel and you won't find a more honest merchant in the galaxy. Ho. Ho. Ho. You eight look like the kind of folk with credits to spend!"

If Itorian's could grin, Wimmel here would be ear to ear as he gestured towards the eight of you to look at his various cylindrical cargo containers.


When commander Hek inquired about previous investigations, Panaka narrowed his eyes and seemed to focus on one specific point on the horizon.

"The colonists are angry the government and military because we were unable to assist them during the initial Trade Federation invasion. They hold a grudge for not being there for them. What they don't understand that the capitol of Theed had been overrun, and there was nothing we could do. The Gungans....well they are Gungans...yes one joint battle will do much to bridge relations between the us and them...but you are talking about years and years of tension between our people. It's not going to be solved overnight between our two races. Especially out here away from the capitol.

The group arrives at a large tent near one of the outskirts of town where the various military soldiers had setup a base camp. In the center was a giant circle shaped machine that served as a holographic map for the surrounding area. In the center of the holographic 3 dimensional virtual reality map was the city of Dee'ja Peak.

"Dammit. Where is there no one to man the scanners?!" Panaka cursed being able to identify what was needed in the base camp immediately. "Is there anyone among you that could check or scanners?" Panaka concluded by inquiring to all of you.

Elas zoned out, disinterested in the political climate Panaka was discussing, but he lit up when he entered the base camp. He admired the virtual map of Dee'ja Peak, and took a look around to size up the other electronic equipment in the tent. Hearing Panaka’s request, Elas gave a glance towards Investigator Deckard and then Captain Tillis--almost as if he were about to ask their permission--and went over to the base scanner console.

Elas produced a datapad from his pack and gave a small curse of his own as he failed to find the correct connection for it. A few moments later he had dug through his pack some more and managed to find a working adapter and to get hooked up. Before beginning, Elas attempted to set up a route to record the scanner data on his datapad so he could hopefully bring it with him for later.

He thought for a moment, and decided to attempt to check the most current scanner data, and maybe some recent data from the past days as well. "Investigator, do you think there's an interesting time period we should look at?" Elas questioned as he attempted to access the data. "Well, I'm not sure that this thing is saving data," he thought aloud.

The inspector considers..

"Certainly.. depending on the scanner's range and configuration.. Can you determine whether or not the scanner has been intentionally tampered with?" Sabotage?

After hearing about the chance of potential sabotage, Padawan Keepf approaches. Anyone nearby could hear the clanking of his tools around his belt after each step.

He starts fiddling with his tools and begins to broadcast.

"If you think it may have been tampered with, Inspector, I could repair it. Provided it needs to be tinkered with.. Let's see what our companion Elas discovers."

Beep. Beep. Beep.....pzzzttttt

Elas began to operate the scanner system. But after two minutes of getting the device to work it begin to sputter out like an old car failing on the highway. Panaka stands in the corner of the tent with arms crossed.

(To attempt to fix the scanner system is an average mechanics check that anyone can try)



wimple bellies as your try to haggle with him. “Hooo hoooo. I like you. Tell you what, Wimmel will give you a good deal. 95 credits for the sling.”

Edited by Sincereagape
Added oneeeyd Matt and wimmel.

Sorry for the tardiness of this post:


Jonus stops scanning the rooftops, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. He turns his head to Jonjo @Xcapobl , give him a critical eye up and down, then accepts the stimpack with a grunt which only the most gracious of sentients would consider a "Thank you". He tucks it into his backpack and refocuses on Panaka.

"Captain, by your leave, I have to replace my sling. I'll catch up with the team as soon as I can"

He then turns and hails the Ithorian.

"Well met Wimmel. I am no-one that you truly care to know. For an Ithorian, I see you have a strikingly high amount of armaments you have for sale. Surely 100 credits is too much to ask for a simple sling for my carbine?"


wimple bellies as your try to haggle with him. “Hooo hoooo. I like you. Tell you what, Wimmel will give you a good deal. 95 credits for the sling. 

"Aha, I see that despite appearances, we truly are in the Mid Rim, that such a complex item of 3 straps of nylon with a metal buckles fetches such a high price. Alas, my carbine won't exactly be helpful strapped to my backpack. We have an agreement."

*Pays Wimmel 95 Credits, receives sling.

"I will say this, you are the most honest Ithorian I've met on this world so far."

*Attaches sling to carbine, turns and jogs after the rest of the crew.
