Hero special ability question

By Chernobyl2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

One of the players in my descent campaign has a hero (forget its name) that has the special ability to move his movement before or after making a guard attack action. My question is this - do these count as movement points? otherwise he's basically immune to things like grapple...

Chernobyl said:

One of the players in my descent campaign has a hero (forget its name) that has the special ability to move his movement before or after making a guard attack action. My question is this - do these count as movement points? otherwise he's basically immune to things like grapple...

That would be Tahlia. Yes, Tahlia receives movement points equal to her speed when she discards her Guard order. These can be used for anything movement points can normally be used for (drinking a potion, jumping over a pit, etc etc) and will be affected by Grapple.