Getting both benefits from Inspirational...

By udat, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

I was wondering if it's possible to bet both the surge and the evade from Inspirational in a single exhaust...

One way I thought might work was with Hired Guns. Say a Rebel shoots at your hapless Rodian, and you exhaust inspirational to apply +1 surge and +1 evade for the duration of the attack. Obviously the Hired Gun dies (ideally after rolling a dodge) and Parting Shot triggers. My hope is that the Parting Shot attack takes place entirely within the timing of the original attack (it hasn't completely resolved yet) and so the Parting Shot would get the bonus surge...


"During this attack" of Inspirational is really "for this attack", and only the symbol of the appropriate type is added to the attack/defense pool.

Edited by a1bert

Would you consider it "ruled on" or just your (considered and considerably weighty) opinion? :)

I'm completely sure that's what they meant. It would seem easier to have said it your way, rather than how they framed it, to avoid the possibility of ambiguity. I think I'd allow it for this nice little corner case if it hasn't been officially ruled on.

The thread I linked to should have all the necessary arguments for the wording, and if you follow the link in the thread, it's been ruled for Power to Shields with identical wording. (So I very much consider the ruling applies here also. I don't remember if I confirmed it or not.)

Edited by a1bert

I might be being thick, but I don't see a link?

edit: Now I do :)

Edited by udat