After edgehawk posts ic @grahamabama and commander tillis up.
Edited by SincereagapeOOC Thread: Dawn of the Clone Wars - Abduction on Naboo
My life is dramatically busier than it was in October. I thought I could swing it but I’m having trouble keeping up with posts. Please give my spot to someone that can devote the proper amount of time to your game. Good luck everyone!
10 minutes ago, grahamabama said:My life is dramatically busier than it was in October. I thought I could swing it but I’m having trouble keeping up with posts. Please give my spot to someone that can devote the proper amount of time to your game. Good luck everyone!
No problem at all. Real life first. Sorry things didn’t work out in October. You’re welcome to rejoin if things slow down again
@Tramp Graphics - Rthogar up
Just now, Sincereagape said:No problem at all. Real life first. Sorry things didn’t work out in October. You’re welcome to rejoin if things slow down again
@Tramp Graphics - Rthogar up
How long will it take Rhothgar to get within Engaged range?
At least two rounds.
Currently droids are at long.
A.) Rthogar is here. Jonas is here
1. Move to short
2. Move to medium - Fitz and Jonjo (under cover) are here
3. Half step away to long - Teen is here
4. Droids are here at long.
Edited by SincereagapeJust now, Sincereagape said:At least two rounds.
Currently droids are at long.
A.) Rthogar is here
1. Move to short
2. Move to medium
3. Half step away to long
4. Droids are here at long.
Well, that's what Rhothgar is doing. Charging headlong at the enemy . 😈
8 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:At least two rounds.
Currently droids are at long.
A.) Rthogar is here. Jonas is here
1. Move to short
2. Move to medium - Fitz and Jonjo (under cover) are here
3. Half step away to long - Teen is here
4. Droids are here at long.
Use edit above post to signify where everyone is. @Tramp Graphics - do you want to spend 2 strain to get to the same area as the teen or stop at medium with fitz and Jonjo.
3 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:Use edit above post to signify where everyone is. @Tramp Graphics - do you want to spend 2 strain to get to the same area as the teen or stop at medium with fitz and Jonjo.
Both maneuvers to get as close to the enemy as possible as fast as possible.
No time right now, so I just made a quick post IC so things can progress. I'll make a better intro post after combat.
Also.. limited ammo might make for some creative narration vs. minions.
@Tramp Graphics @Xcapobl @Edgehawk @oneeyedmatt87
Sorry. A lot happened on the NPC sequences at the end of the round. Let me try and summarize.
1.) The teenager, identified as a young girl, ran into the same range bands as Fitz, Rhothgar, and Jonjo.
2.) First minion group hit Rhothgar for 7 damage w/Blaster Pistol
3.) Second minion group missed Fitz
4.) Third minion group scored 2 triumphs on the teenage girl. She is Now at "End of Nigh" and will die at the end of this coming round unless she receives medical attention (Daunting Roll as scored by the critical hit table).
5.) I gave a free maneuver to Jonus aka @oneeyedmatt87 due to 2 threat rolled by Minion group 3.
6.) The Captain did not act.
7.) I changed the minion group size to 3 as followed by the first part of Chronicles of the Gatekeeper which has minion groups of 3 in chapter 1.
8.) The B-1 Minion groups moved 1 step forward on the ranged band (They are now between long/medium range, and one step away from Fitz, Jonjo, and Rhothgar. Captain did not move and is still 2 bands away.
Phew, let me know if you have any questions @Xcapobl is up aka Jonjo!
Current NPC stats:
B-1 droids (All Armed with Blaster Pistols, Damage 6, Crit 3).
Minion 1 - Soak 4: Dead/Dead/5
Minion 2 - Soak 4: 5/5/5
Minion 3 - Soak 4: 5/5/5
B-1 Captain - Soak 4: 9 Wounds: Adversary 1
Edited by SincereagapeAdded NPC damage/soak stats.
So, to get into the tactical situation of it...
Jonjo could use a maneuver to close to short range from the Minion groups ... spend 2 strain for an additional maneuver and close to engaged range with Minion group 2... the spend his action on a lightsaber attack on Minion group 2?
On 4/4/2019 at 10:56 PM, Sincereagape said:@Tramp Graphics @Xcapobl @Edgehawk @oneeyedmatt87
Sorry. A lot happened on the NPC sequences at the end of the round. Let me try and summarize.
1.) The teenager, identified as a young girl, ran into the same range bands as Fitz, Rhothgar, and Jonjo.
2.) First minion group hit Rhothgar for 7 damage w/Blaster Pistol
3.) Second minion group missed Fitz
4.) Third minion group scored 2 triumphs on the teenage girl. She is Now at "End of Nigh" and will die at the end of this coming round unless she receives medical attention (Daunting Roll as scored by the critical hit table).
5.) I gave a free maneuver to Jonus aka @oneeyedmatt87 due to 2 threat rolled by Minion group 3.
6.) The Captain did not act.
7.) I changed the minion group size to 3 as followed by the first part of Chronicles of the Gatekeeper which has minion groups of 3 in chapter 1.
8.) The B-1 Minion groups moved 1 step forward on the ranged band (They are now between long/medium range, and one step away from Fitz, Jonjo, and Rhothgar. Captain did not move and is still 2 bands away.
Phew, let me know if you have any questions @Xcapobl is up aka Jonjo!
Current NPC stats:
B-1 droids (All Armed with Blaster Pistols, Damage 6, Crit 3).
Minion 1 - Soak 4: Dead/Dead/5
Minion 2 - Soak 4: 5/5/5
Minion 3 - Soak 4: 5/5/5
B-1 Captain - Soak 4: 9 Wounds: Adversary 1
Question, You didn't roll those triumphs as two separate critical Injuries, did you? By RAW, if you roll enough Advantages of Triumphs to trigger multiple Critical Injuries in a single attack, each additional trigger only adds +10 to the critical Injury roll. It doesn't get a second roll.
Also.. Fitz specifically targeted the droids pursuing the girl, and indeed eliminated two out of three. Wouldn't that have effected the dice pool? It was my intention to reduce the immediate threat the girl was in.
@Xcapobl jonjo can spend one maunver to engage with minion group 1&2 and then attack.
to get to the captain he would have to spend 2 strain. but would not be able to attack
her being at end is nigh is for story purposes and as a result of the two truimphs. from a tech pt of view. she already has crits on her. i could roll but she has a high chance of dying. want to make things dramatic.
7 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Also.. Fitz specifically targeted the droids pursuing the girl, and indeed eliminated two out of three. Wouldn't that have effected the dice pool? It was my intention to reduce the immediate threat the girl was in.
okay. fair enough. i did change things after you shot. let me make a ruling sometime today or later the week.
i mainly changed things because my first roll with minion group four did significant damage to tramp.
5 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:okay. fair enough. i did change things after you shot. let me make a ruling sometime today or later the week.
i mainly changed things because my first roll with minion group four did significant damage to tramp.
Yeah, but only 4 points after Soak.
8 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:Yeah, but only 4 points after Soak.
My original un-posted/un-used roll using the stats for Stock/RAW stats from the EoTE Core for Antiquated Battle Droids/Minion group of 4....did 9 damage post soak to Rhothgar with a triumph/critical. The Critical would have resulted in Rhothgar disoriented for the rest of the encounter (64, slightly dazed).
Given, one of them also shuts down due to 3 threat on the roll.
Still...that was my first shot with the first minion group. maybe i panicked. but i can keep everything as is prior to Fitz shooting.
Rhothgar will that damage with minion group 2 firing at Fitz and minion group 3 (Captain part of it) firing again at the teen w/2 yellow dice.
It is either that or current status with this change...I can re-roll minion group three firing at the girl w/one green and one yellow. However, the Captain who will be rival will shoot at her too.
So, where are we now? Am I up. Is someone else up? Anyone down?
2 hours ago, Xcapobl said:So, where are we now? Am I up. Is someone else up? Anyone down?
Think we're waiting on a gm decision on how to proceed? @Sincereagape If you're looking for our input.. I'm not sure it really matters- I guess just move forward how you think best, and we'll go on from there?
1.) We'll go with this. Fitz destroyed 2 out of 4 droids in Minion group 3. Minion group three is the only MG with 4 in it, because of the Captain. Minion group three will shoot at the teenage girl right now...
Shooting at Teenager Revised - Final Decision
2 failures, 1 advantage
Miss. First Advantage will give a boost to Minion group 1 as they shoot at Rhothgar.
2.) Minion Group 1 will now have a revised shot at Rhothgar.
Attack on Rhothgar
3 successes, 1 advantage
3 Success 1 Advantage. Total of 9 damage on Rhothgar. I'm guessing from Tramp's CC that is 6 total damage to Rhothgar.
3.) @Xcapobl You're up.
Current status....
A. Tramp has taken 6 wounds.
B. All of your other allies including the teenage girl are fine
C. Droid Status
Minion Group 1. Soak 4 - 4/4/4
Minion group 2. Soak 4 - Dead/2/4
Minion Group 3. Soak 4 - Dead/Dead/2/4 (Captain in this group. Who is now a minion).
You are one maneuver away from B-1 Minion groups 1+2. If you wish to attack them that is 2 purples.
You are may spend 2 strain to get to MG 3 but cannot attack them this round.
Finale decision. Thanks everyone for being patient.
Edited by SincereagapeJonjo will indeed move up to minion groups 1 and 2, engaging them, and attacking them with his lightsaber (minion group 1 specifically). Those things are built to decimate clankers, right?
Attacking Minion Group 1
0 successes
Wrong, I guess...
@oneeyedmatt87 Jonus is up. Currently still at long ranged. You may move up for a better shot. There is cover in the rock of mounds of rocks and small rock walls. In all of the ranges.
@Sincereagape Jonus will move to medium range (2 maneuvers, correct?). I'm not sure if I still have the free one after the retcon. Either way, he'll take 2 strain to add the 2nd maneuver to get there if he has to. He then intends to shoot at whichever group the Jedi aren't currently trying to hug. (Group 2?)
If that's all correct:
Shooting at B1's (med range)
1 success
Should be 9+1 success, which is 10 damage - 4 soak = 6 damage total to group 2.
Edited by oneeyedmatt8717 hours ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:@Sincereagape Jonus will move to medium range (2 maneuvers, correct?). I'm not sure if I still have the free one after the retcon. Either way, he'll take 2 strain to add the 2nd maneuver to get there if he has to. He then intends to shoot at whichever group the Jedi aren't currently trying to hug. (Group 2?)
If that's all correct:
Shooting at B1's (med range) : 1eP+1eA+2eD 1 success
Should be 9+1 success, which is 10 damage - 4 soak = 6 damage total to group 2.
Everything looks good except you do not have to take two strain to get a shot off.
Pew pew. Minion group 2 loses one b-1 with another half dead.
@Edgehawk Fitz’s turn.
Im going to flip a destiny point to upgrade the next attack on minion group 3 by one.
@Edgehawk Ka-Booom! Minion Group 3 is no more.
Make an out of turn incidental to try and calm the teenager down to see if she will reveal whether or not she is Crysenia Valorum. You may use any social skill you would like against three purples and two blacks.
@Tramp Graphics Rhothgar's turn. He is one maneuver away from Minion group's 1 and 2.
Current status.
B-1 Droids
MG 1 - Soak 4 -4/4/4
MG 2 - Soak 4 - Dead/2/4
MG 3 - Soak 4 - Dead/Dead/Dead/Dead
Edited by Sincereagape