OOC Thread: Dawn of the Clone Wars - Abduction on Naboo

By Sincereagape, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

(32 BBY, Somewhere in Trade Federation Space)

Rune Haako stood in a metallic medical chamber beholding the Trade Federation’s new prized possession. Floating inside of a bacta tank was the creature known as Darth Maul….only the upper body of course.

Obi-Wan Kenobi had out witted the Zabrak during their duel on Theed. The result was Kenobi executing a perfect transverse cut right through the hip of Maul. Of course, Maul was unconscious while floating in the tank with various cords attached to Its being. Maul was bare chested displaying various tattoos across Its body.

Rune turned to a B-1 Battle Droid and spoke, “Excellent work. Begin preparations for the next phase.”

“Roger. Roger.” The B-1 replied before leaving the medical bay.

Rune rubbed his palms together. The scuttlebutt around the Trade Federation soldiers was that Maul had survived the battles on Naboo. Rune had deduced that if Maul had survived, the garbage or waste area is where the Sith Apprentice would have ended up. Thus, Rune had sent a contingent of battle droids to search then salvage what they could find. As luck would have it, the droids discovered and recovered what remained of Maul.

Rune Haako was still unsure if he would report finding Maul to Nute Gunray, and in turn Darth Sidious. Sidious scared Rune to no ends. The Neimoidians were known as a cowardly lot, but they also were known as a smart species. Rune played over in his mind the integral webs that maybe at work. If Maul did in fact heal from Its injuries, maybe the creature might have Its own motivations.

There is much to consider. There is much to ponder.

To Rune’s left was a table. The latest in cybernetics to be used on Maul. Trade Federation credits at work.

Haako’s thinking was interrupted by a clanging on the walls of the bacta tank. The sound was a loud repeating thud. The sound resembled someone banging a locked door trying to get out.

The Neimoidian trader looked towards Maul. The Creature’s eyes opened revealing yellow pupils filled with rage.


Official Out of Character Thread for Dawn of the Clone Wars: Abduction on Naboo for OOC discussion and dice rolls OOC.

The story will be very loosely based off cannon.

Dice Rolling Database Used: www.Orokos.com

Destiny Points: updated 9/11/18

  • Light - 7
  • Dark - 3

Official Roster: Please use www.swsheets.com for your character sheets.

Team Resource: G-9 Rigger Light Freighter

GM Disclaimer:

Before we start. Please understand that in any ruling, my word is the final word. You may disagree, and any ruling is open to discussion. But please respect the GM position even if you don't agree with a certain ruling. I am a very fair GM and tend to favor the players in 99% of the situations encountered in game.

There are only two times I may purposely try to be a GM Nazi.

1. You guys meta-game and go after Anakin Skywalker - If this happens Anakin's midichlorian count will rise up so high that little Annie will develop force choke with a magnitude of 8 and extreme range at a young age. If his uber force choke does not kill you then Palp will turn into Sidious with a lightsaber that does 20 damage, 5 breach, and 0 crit.

2. You guys meta-game and go after Grand-Master Yoda - If you guys go after Yoda, then he simply blink his eyes and all of your heads will explode at the same time.

You have been warned. Good luck, roll well, may the force be with you.

Also: In terms of experience. This game has a wide variety of players, some with a large amount of experience using this system, and some who are fairly new. If you are a veteran of the system, PLEASE encourage, help, and be patient for those who are new.


Edited by Sincereagape

Destiny : 1eF 2 Light Side

First dark side point.. I'm a failure! Hahaha

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

As indicated, rolling for a standard lightsaber hilt...

Lightsaber Hilt crafting : 3eP+2eD 0 successes
p-s.png p-s.png p-a.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

nothing bad happens, but nothing good either. A lightsaber as is (and still very glad to have it at all, by the way).

18 hours ago, Xcapobl said:

As indicated, rolling for a standard lightsaber hilt...

Lightsaber Hilt crafting : 3eP+2eD 0 successes
p-s.png p-s.png p-a.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

nothing bad happens, but nothing good either. A lightsaber as is (and still very glad to have it at all, by the way).

I'm in the same boat:

Lightsaber crafting (Standard Lightsaber) : 2eA+1eP+2eD 1 failure, 1 threat
a-s.png a-a.png p--.png d-f-th.png d-f-th.png

Here is Padawan Keepf's roll. Lots of success, but that 1 advantage is essentially useless haha. Still, glad to have a successful craft. :)

Lightsaber crafting : 2eA+3eP+2eD 4 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s-a.png p-s-s.png p--.png p-s-s.png d-f.png d-th.png

Edit: Debating on spending the advantage to make the saber 2 handed to increase damage by 1 and increase encumberance by 2.. something about a 2 handed shoto sounds silly though hahaha.

Edited by Quigonjinnandjuice

Say hello to commander Hek Tillis.


I went with the Figure Head specialization that someone suggested. I'm still working on background story for him.

Edited by grahamabama

IC thread is up. Please read GM disclaimer in IC post or in this thread original post.

Also: In terms of experience. This game has a wide variety of players, some with a large amount of experience using this system, and some who are fairly new. If you are a veteran of the system, PLEASE encourage, help, and be patient for those who are new.


@Tramp Graphics @Quigonjinnandjuice @Xcapobl

Spoiler and warning for you guys only

As I continue to come up with new ideas for this campaign. I want to warn the three of you. In game the group may come across a Light Saber-less Darth Maul. One of Maul's objectives will be to obtain a new Lightsaber, thus if Combat comes Maul will most likely target one of you to steal your laser sword. Just a future warning and heads up.

:) Thanks

Edited by Sincereagape
13 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

IC thread is up. Please read GM disclaimer in IC post or in this thread original post.

Also: In terms of experience. This game has a wide variety of players, some with a large amount of experience using this system, and some who are fairly new. If you are a veteran of the system, PLEASE encourage, help, and be patient for those who are new.


I'm one of the newbies you mentioned. I'm super excited to play and while I've played some D&D in person, I've never played by forum before. If I answer or post out of line or don't follow protocol just let me know. Thanks!

11 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

@Tramp Graphics @Quigonjinnandjuice @Xcapobl

Spoiler and warning for you guys only

As I continue to come up with new ideas for this campaign. I want to warn the three of you. In game the group may come across a Light Saber-less Darth Maul. One of Maul's objectives will be to obtain a new Lightsaber, thus if Combat comes Maul will most likely target one of you to steal your laser sword. Just a future warning and heads up.

:) Thanks

That's alright,

Rhothgar failed his crafting roll anyway.

@Sincereagape , Rhothgar is complete, except for his lightsaber, since he failed his crafting check, and will have to try again at a later date. I did make one alteration to his starting skills, using the free Species rank for Stealth instead of Athletics , as I was originally going to do.

Destiny Pool : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Sorry missed check wasn't for me :)

Edited by NovaGman
2 minutes ago, NovaGman said:

Sorry missed check wasn't for me :)

You have a piloting skill check IC :)

Yeah got that one. Average Piloting Check for "nicks and dings":

Average Piloting Check : 1eP+3eA+2eD 3 successes
p-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

17 minutes ago, NovaGman said:

Yeah got that one. Average Piloting Check for "nicks and dings":

Average Piloting Check : 1eP+3eA+2eD 3 successes
p-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Good roll. Edited the post to add the German Mechanic's response. If TrampGraphics doesn't convince him to spar with him, the German Mechanic can offer a boost or help with modifications or mechanics check via assisted skill check.

Edited by Sincereagape

I can also help for repairs. I have the manipulate force power that that helps with repairing ships.