I'll take that maneuver, to get within engaged range, then attack with my claws.
0 successes
I'll take that maneuver, to get within engaged range, then attack with my claws.
0 successes
Planning to get a post up soon. Work was crazy at the end of the week and today is the wife's birthday!
With the release of Rise of the Separatists and ppl posting pictures and listings of the padawan talent tree, jedi career. feel free to 're-roll' jonjo and rhothgar anytime. just transport equipment. thanks.
@Sincereagape happy (belated) birthday to your wife!
Question for you (and everyone else actually) @Tramp Graphics @Xcapobl @Edgehawk . We seem to have inadvertently jettisoned 1/2 of our task force. Honestly, I can't imagine a scenario where Jonus (who at best vaguely loathes Jedi) would agree to "babysit" two padawans, with or without the help of one other soldier, especially not on an important mission. Now I'm not going to bork the game because of it, it just feels weird and out of character.
So I guess my question is: Do you think we should recruit more players? (I mean, we are down a face and a pilot, as well as two techs), do you want to reboot this? Shelve it for another time?
Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun and would love to keep playing. I just question the tempo (we seem to hit a few snags) and the composition of the party, both mechanically and narratively.
Any thoughts?
16 hours ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:@Sincereagape happy (belated) birthday to your wife!
Question for you (and everyone else actually) @Tramp Graphics @Xcapobl @Edgehawk . We seem to have inadvertently jettisoned 1/2 of our task force. Honestly, I can't imagine a scenario where Jonus (who at best vaguely loathes Jedi) would agree to "babysit" two padawans, with or without the help of one other soldier, especially not on an important mission. Now I'm not going to bork the game because of it, it just feels weird and out of character.
So I guess my question is: Do you think we should recruit more players? (I mean, we are down a face and a pilot, as well as two techs), do you want to reboot this? Shelve it for another time?
Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun and would love to keep playing. I just question the tempo (we seem to hit a few snags) and the composition of the party, both mechanically and narratively.
Any thoughts?
I'm actually up for re-booting the game. Let me give it more thought, especially with the release of Rise of the Separatist. I apologize for not posting last week. The Palmetto problem returned, Easter weekend, and I had some heat at work. (Not to mention my live game). If you guys are up for it, I'm up for shelving/rebooting.
18 hours ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:@Sincereagape happy (belated) birthday to your wife!
Question for you (and everyone else actually) @Tramp Graphics @Xcapobl @Edgehawk . We seem to have inadvertently jettisoned 1/2 of our task force. Honestly, I can't imagine a scenario where Jonus (who at best vaguely loathes Jedi) would agree to "babysit" two padawans, with or without the help of one other soldier, especially not on an important mission. Now I'm not going to bork the game because of it, it just feels weird and out of character.
So I guess my question is: Do you think we should recruit more players? (I mean, we are down a face and a pilot, as well as two techs), do you want to reboot this? Shelve it for another time?
Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun and would love to keep playing. I just question the tempo (we seem to hit a few snags) and the composition of the party, both mechanically and narratively.
Any thoughts?
2 hours ago, Sincereagape said:I'm actually up for re-booting the game. Let me give it more thought, especially with the release of Rise of the Separatist. I apologize for not posting last week. The Palmetto problem returned, Easter weekend, and I had some heat at work. (Not to mention my live game). If you guys are up for it, I'm up for shelving/rebooting.
It all depends, does it mean making new characters or using these ones?
I guess shelving means new characters. Rebooting to me means same characters, rewind, and start anew but possibly with an adjusted amount of players.
About that, @oneeyedmatt87 asked about recruiting new players. In my opinion, I guess we shouldn't. Aside from private life interfering, the ones we have here now seem to be the more frequent posters.
Rebooting, with the same characters, would have the added difficulty of having Jonus (averse to "baby-sitting") versus the Jedi not-twins (not needing baby-sitting :-) ), and the fact that a couple of specific characters with skill sets are gone. A reboot would also mean a lot of thought would have to go into inter-character relationships, and rewriting (parts of) the adventure to the extent where the number of characters, and skill ranks/talent choices make more sense. Shelving, and making a few new characters for a fresh start, would be preferable then.
On 4/22/2019 at 3:29 PM, Tramp Graphics said:
It all depends, does it mean making new characters or using these ones?
On 4/24/2019 at 5:28 AM, Xcapobl said:I guess shelving means new characters. Rebooting to me means same characters, rewind, and start anew but possibly with an adjusted amount of players.
About that, @oneeyedmatt87 asked about recruiting new players. In my opinion, I guess we shouldn't. Aside from private life interfering, the ones we have here now seem to be the more frequent posters.
Rebooting, with the same characters, would have the added difficulty of having Jonus (averse to "baby-sitting") versus the Jedi not-twins (not needing baby-sitting 🙂 ), and the fact that a couple of specific characters with skill sets are gone. A reboot would also mean a lot of thought would have to go into inter-character relationships, and rewriting (parts of) the adventure to the extent where the number of characters, and skill ranks/talent choices make more sense. Shelving, and making a few new characters for a fresh start, would be preferable then.
@Xcapobl My mistake, I didn't catch that Jonjo was 20. @Tramp Graphics is doing such a good job of RP'ing an INT 1, 13 year old lightsaber spec Jedi with no lightsaber (who likes to charge and try to scratch but ends up hugging battle droids), that I had no other word than "babysitting". But now that that's drawn to my attention, Jonus would probably be able to tolerate the situation, though he'll probably hold Jonjo accountable for Rothgar's *ahem* unconventional methods.
Like I said, it wasn't my intention to torpedo the game :(. I just wanted to address the holes in the party as it stands.
But in any event @Sincereagape ,I'm happy to continue, or reboot, or reroll a character, as necessity would have it.
I'm still game, however this plays out.
@oneeyedmatt87 No sweat. I also don't think you were torpedoing the game. In fact, I think you're right about most of what you mentioned.
I would be for a shelving, and starting afresh with new characters, a new adventure. Continuing this one would mean either of these:
A fresh start in a new adventure with new characters might mean: