Recruitment: Dawn of the Clone Wars - Abduction on Naboo

By Sincereagape, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I read that duty is the get-to special mechanic in this game. Will morality (and as its extension, Conflict) also come into play, even if only to gauge Light/Dark behaviour?

Also, what about the starting character options from FaD (page 49 FaD Core) when making a FaD Force user specifically?

18 minutes ago, Xcapobl said:

I read that duty is the get-to special mechanic in this game. Will morality (and as its extension, Conflict) also come into play, even if only to gauge Light/Dark behaviour?

Also, what about the starting character options from FaD (page 49 FaD Core) when making a FaD Force user specifically?

Good question. Was planning to address this in the opening post.

The Padawan characters will have morality/conflict in play in addition to duty. Morality is in play to gauge light/dark.

Starting morality for Padawans is 50, no options to raise it or decrease at CC.

Non force users have an OPTION of Morality.

Non force users must have duty.

Character creation: Everyone starts with 10 duty and may spend it as per the AoR core. Each option can only be selected once..etc...etc.

  • Gain 10 exp by spending 10 duty
  • Gain 5 exp - by spending 5 duty
  • Gain 2,500 credits - by spending 10 duty
  • Gain 1,000 credits - by spending 5 duty

Instead of following the starting character options from FaD (49), all Force-Users will use the Duty mechanic from AoR just like the non force users, to keep things simplified in my mind if that is okay. :)

Hope this helps.

Edited by Sincereagape
Added starting morality is 50 for Padawans. with no options to raise or decrease at CC.

It helps a lot. ?

Next question. There is an extra 25 XP in there for use on skills and talents "post CC". Am I correct in assuming that this means the extra XP can be used to train a skill to rank 3, as Character Creation would have been concluded before these 25 points are gained? Representing the fact that the characters have seen some action or other tasks, as not to send total newbies on something as important as the aformentioned Search and possibly Rescue?

Also, skills and talents only? Or could these extra points be spent on Force Powers for those that have and want them?

Edited by Xcapobl

@Sincereagape Mind if I keep the Investigator spec, without the force sensitivity or rating? I've looked at Skip Tracer, but I'm liking the Investigator better for my concept.

Edit to add: To clarify, I'd like to be able to take advantage of Uncanny Senses, Sense Advantage, Sense the Scene, if possible.. call it a 6th sense, or mild force sensitivity (without the rating).. if possible?

Also, are you somewhat flexible with starting equipment/ weapons/ armor, or are the non-Jedi also limited to working with the €2000 stipend? (New edit): Never mind about the credits. I can make it work with the Duty/Morality mechanics. Just won't have anything left for our promised shopping trip. ?

Edited by Edgehawk
Never mind the credits...

Are there any spots still open? I was in the Spirits of Madness game.

@grahamabama - welcome aboard. ?

@Xcapobl - you are correct. You can use the additional 25 exp to increase a skill to 3. You may also use the additional 25 exp to purchase and upgrade force powers. Thanks for the helping clarify that.

@Edgehawk - if this was a 3-5 player game I would say yes. However with the game having 8 players (and maybe more), allowing Lance to keep the Ivestigator specialization and sentinel career without keeping the force rating is a Pandora’s box I don’t want to open.

Thus I prefer lance to either be a non force user skiptracer or a force user investigator (or something else entitrely based off book rules)

if you would like for lance to be a sentinel: investigator, then I can think about opening up more force user slots and change the origins of the group.


I'm torn between starting as a magus or a steel hand adept.. Do any of the other force sensitives know what kind of character they are building?

I'll come up with a non-force spec. No need to change everything up on my account. @Sincereagape

51 minutes ago, Quigonjinnandjuice said:

I'm torn between starting as a magus or a steel hand adept.. Do any of the other force sensitives know what kind of character they are building?

Spent some time masterminding and secretly plotting this morning for this story behind the evil Maul covered FaD GM screen twirling my mustache and rubbing greedy fingers together.

Having some party diversification would be good. For examples a pilot of some sorts might come in handy and maybe some type of healer amgonst other roles (edge hawks investigator)

In regards to a pilot

plethora of vulture droids?

Below is a fact or fiction spoiler?

with 8 of you, Maul will definitely get two actions per round

Whatever each of you creates I plan and will adjust to make sure each has a chance to use their specific skills and specialities.

Edited by Sincereagape
50 minutes ago, Quigonjinnandjuice said:

I'm torn between starting as a magus or a steel hand adept.. Do any of the other force sensitives know what kind of character they are building?

Human (Nabooan) - Mystic - Seer. Slightly trained in the lightsaber arts, but definately more of a Farseeing, perceptive type. Decided not to go for the Seek Force Power (yet) though.

Rhothgar , a Cathar Seeker Ataru Striker/ Steel Hand Adept . Still WIP.

Well, how can I resist throwing around an SWSheet as well? ? As of typing this message, it still needs a bit more background, but the number crunch has been completed, for the approval by @Sincereagape .

As the characters are posted more and more of the finer details of the campaign are being explored and doors to new plot ideas are opening.

So keep the characters coming!

I hope to do an updated edit on the original post with updated rosters as the characters come in and to flesh out some of the rules discussed in the thread so far (IE: Allowing 25 exp be used to upgrade skill ranks to 3 and be used on force powers, etc...)

Might be able to do it tonight, but I promised the wife to play Ticket to Ride Germany with her, so no promises.

Edit: Planning to also go over those characters that have already been submitted.


Here is an example of one of those new plot ideas opening up, which I wanted to run by everyone.

The special Republic Task Fore is actually a conjunction betwee the Jedi Council and the Senate, somewhat of a sociological experiment between the two entities (Which have been pretty much joined hip to hip throughout intergalactic history).

From a practical point of would look like this...

1. The Force Users would report to the Jedi Council (Snakes on a Plane plus Pulp Fiction meet Frank Oz).

2. The Non Force Users would report to Palpatine (Force Rating 10, Adversary 10, All 7 Light Saber talent tress maxed, Unleash maxed, Move maxed, Influence Maxed......etc).

3. Both sides to an extent would have interactions with Finnis Valorum.

I was thinking that this might add a little friendly conflict between all of you and explore further character development in the world of Star Wars.... What kind of relationships do the Republic and the Jedi really have at this time? Can the Jedi really co-exist with other peacekeepers?

-This of course would open up another force user slot so that it would be 4 Padawan and 4 Republic Task force members, so everything would be even (Sorry Edgehawk).

Both of the users below would have priorities to the 4th Padawan spot (Onneyedmatt87 and Edgehawk). If another player joins they would take the roll of non force user aka Republic Task force.

Let me know what you guys think? This is an idea that popped in my head as the character sheets keep coming in. This is what I am leaning towards at the moment, but if there is a large sentiment against the idea...I'll drop it and we'll keep max force users as 3 and keep it as one task force that all reports to Palpatine. :)



Edited by Sincereagape
Added Finnis Valorum. Cleaned up some grammer.

I was supposed to be healer in Spirits of Madness, and I'd be happy to take the role here.

Option #1: Fresh faced Jedi Padawan Healer (eventually branching off into Soresu Defender) with not too many powers other than sense and heal (maybe a little enhance and move, but we'll see), sees the Jedi as the ultimate force for Good (c). I'd like to see his journey (and what he does) when he first sees the darker side of the galaxy, then the organization that he believes in unquestioningly turns into a militarized version of itself (if this continues through the clone wars)

Option #2: On the flip side, I'd love to play a scarred veteran of a civil war/coup on his homeworld that leaves him with a deep mistrust of the Jedi (they came to arbitrate negotiations, did nothing, something along those lines). The war/coup was finally resolved with a strike force from the Republic, which earned his loyalty. Even as a medic, he may or may not push up against the Jedi notions of "Morality".

What do you all think? I'm honestly good with either. If I take #2 it opens up a FS spot!

9 minutes ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:

I was supposed to be healer in Spirits of Madness, and I'd be happy to take the role here.

Option #1: Fresh faced Jedi Padawan Healer (eventually branching off into Soresu Defender) with not too many powers other than sense and heal (maybe a little enhance and move, but we'll see), sees the Jedi as the ultimate force for Good (c). I'd like to see his journey (and what he does) when he first sees the darker side of the galaxy, then the organization that he believes in unquestioningly turns into a militarized version of itself (if this continues through the clone wars)

Option #2: On the flip side, I'd love to play a scarred veteran of a civil war/coup on his homeworld that leaves him with a deep mistrust of the Jedi (they came to arbitrate negotiations, did nothing, something along those lines). The war/coup was finally resolved with a strike force from the Republic, which earned his loyalty. Even as a medic, he may or may not push up against the Jedi notions of "Morality".

What do you all think? I'm honestly good with either. If I take #2 it opens up a FS spot!

From a conceptual stand point. Both work very well.

From a statistical/practical stand point: I believe Medics are the best in combat healers in the game. Doctors would probably be right behind them with the Consular Healer taking up the rear. This coming from someone who plays the Doctor in their paper and pencil game :).

I already came up with a non force sensitive version of my character concept, but I did like the original Investigator. They are different builds, but much the same, and I'd be fine playing either.

Once I get home I'll go through my books and get the character sheet filled out and submitted. Liking the characters so far! Excited for this game. :)

Most likely going to end up being some sort of INT build. I'll have it up before I get to bed tonight.

27 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

I already came up with a non force sensitive version of my character concept, but I did like the original Investigator. They are different builds, but much the same, and I'd be fine playing either.

I'll be happy to play the medic! So please feel free to break out the investigator if you'd like! I'll put the healer on the shelf for another game. :)

1 minute ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:

I'll be happy to play the medic! So please feel free to break out the investigator if you'd like! I'll put the healer on the shelf for another game. :)


@Sincereagape Do I need to modify my Investigator to fit into the Jedi Order (force powers, laser sword, etc).. or perhaps his latent force sensitivity is belatedly discovered in the course of our investigations..?

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:


@Sincereagape Do I need to modify my Investigator to fit into the Jedi Order (force powers, laser sword, etc).. or perhaps his latent force sensitivity is belatedly discovered in the course of our investigations..?

Agape, I'm not sure if if fits your game concept, but it might be a cool story element to have Palpatine be able to sense his force sensitivity, but to not inform the Jedi because (insert evil reason here)? Maybe an attempt on his part to plant a FS mole the Jedi don't know about? I don't know. Just spitballing.

2 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:


@Sincereagape Do I need to modify my Investigator to fit into the Jedi Order (force powers, laser sword, etc).. or perhaps his latent force sensitivity is belatedly discovered in the course of our investigations..?

Either is fine. But I love the idea of his latent force sensitivity being discovered over the course of the investigations. You can also have Lance purposely try and hide his force abilities from the other Padawans for some reason only known to him, maybe he dislikes the Jedi for some reason, or was exiled by them. There are many ways to go with this.

1 minute ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:

Agape, I'm not sure if if fits your game concept, but it might be a cool story element to have Palpatine be able to sense his force sensitivity, but to not inform the Jedi because (insert evil reason here)? Maybe an attempt on his part to plant a FS mole the Jedi don't know about? I don't know. Just spitballing.

Wow! There is a lot of good morsels in these two sentences. Let me dwell on this later, with EdgeHawk! Wife Aggro at the moment. Have to get back to family time.

Hey guys, I got very distracted tonight playing the new Spider-Man game and did not complete my character sheet. I have the character made in theory, just need to get the sheet completed.

I'll be playing a Gaurdian Armorer who will then dip into the Sentinel Artisan spec. I really like the idea of being a Polis Massan without vocal chords, but wasn't sure how the party would feel about that. If the group doesn't want a (mostly) mute in the group i totally understand. My back up species would be a Kalleran.

Let me know what you guys think and I'll have the sheet posted as soon as I can.

7 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

Wow! There is a lot of good morsels in these two sentences. Let me dwell on this later, with EdgeHawk!

I'm glad you agree- I'm certainly game. Thanks for the awesome ideas, @oneeyedmatt87 .

26 minutes ago, Quigonjinnandjuice said:

Let me know what you guys think

Mute works. You can still communicate via telepathy. If you like the idea, I say go with your concept.