I finally published my battle report for the Comic Quest Regional here in SoCal on July 28th. Wow, it's been some time. But better late than never, right?
I finally published my battle report for the Comic Quest Regional here in SoCal on July 28th. Wow, it's been some time. But better late than never, right?
It's so long ago! I'm sad I didn't write a battle report sooner. I do remember Volatile Runes doing a number on my opponent's Berserkers, but also blowing a whole tray off my Flesh Rippers.
Scuttling Horror was awful. My brain felt bent after that game. On the plus side, Jason was so used to playing with Scuttling Horror that he kept forgetting that only one of my three Spined Threshers had it, so he faked himself out a few times. The 6-tray was really scary and I don't think I was able to remove the whole unit. Like Parakitor said, there were a few attacks that left my own Spined Threshers with a single wound and enabled them to get one more attack in while drawing another massive attack with so much extra damage just to deal the last 2 damage.
Ravos was respectable, but he also came to the party somewhat late, having escorted one of my Spined Threshers to the Ransacked Manor for an extra 10 VP. I can't remember if he survived the battle or not.
The two Flesh Rippers did a lot of late-game cleanup and really earned their points. A single tray of Flesh Rippers can still do decent damage when it has a flanking bonus. That one came in on the rear of the 6-tray, but since it was already worth 0 points (volatile rune casualty), my opponent didn't try to take it out. The 4-tray tool out a few Threshers, too.
I'm glad I won, but I don't look forward to facing Scuttling Horror again anytime soon.
Edited by Budgernaut