Voice/pbp game recruiting

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

looking for older gamers for a epic spanning all three major eras and following a group of fixers, star wars ghost busters (meets Indiana jones) for the force. Need 1 maybe 2 players. 30+ and female gamers get preference as I'm trying to diversify the group a bit. Start time will be roughly 2pmish est and ending before 7pm. Mostly weekdays but occasional sundays are possible.

Today we are doing session 0.5 on voice @2:10est.

Join the swrpg discord server and ping @shard

May the force be with you, always....


Sounds fun and I would love to join but can't do 2pm on Weekdays. Good luck and have fun

Ah that time doesn't work for me at all but I'd love to play if the scheduling ever changes.

Would love to do this it sounds fun but as above weekdays are out. available Fridays and Saturdays.