Question about Northern Warg and would like an answer that references the rules or FAQ.
The shadow effect on Northern Warg says:
QuoteAfter this attack, attacking enemy engages the next player, then makes an immediate attack (deal a new shadow card for that attack).
If they are engaged with Johnny and Johnny is the first player and Johnny blocks a Northern Warg and the shadow card is Northern Warg, Johnny finishes resolving the attack and it passes to Jane and Jane resolves the immediate attack. Then goes back to Johnny to finish the rest of his attacks and then Jane moves on to normal attacks for this turn will Northern Warg get an attack during the Jane's normal attack step?
So basically what I'm asking is with the passing of the warg and immediate attack would the net result be the three attacks (one for normal attack on first player then immediate attack on second player and then normal attack on second player for that round?) The FAQ isn't clear and the rules do say all engaged enemies make an attack.
Also The Wastes of Eriador does not scale well with more than two players. I think my group(3 players) has played this close to 40-50 times and still no victory in sight; I think out of all of those games we have only been able to get to stage 2 twice and stage 3 once. I can't imagine what this scenario would be like in a 4 player game.
Edited by CixrTyx