Hey gang! Really inspired by all of your work and wanted to share the conversion work I've started on for my AT-ST and Starter Box.
Here's the AT-ST... added some details, patched the seams, I cut some very tiny rivets in that won't really show up till I get it painted. Really pleased with how the walk pose came out.
And a head swap test I did with some 3d print stuff from shapeways 'bucketheadbits':
The scale is just a smidge tall on the heads, but they don't look as squashed and neckless as the originals. Chins and ears have more detail, I tried to mess with the contrast enough on the photos so you could see the details. I think will be swapping out all my stormies with bad mold lines for these I think, the heavy gunner ones are awful with that extra seam on the back of the head.