Expansion idea

By StrikerIVI, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Rebel Advanced Shipyard Sheet
- A-wing (1 black health, 2 black damage)
- B-wing (1 black health, 2 red damage)

Rebel Leaders
- Admiral Raddus
- Nien Nunb

Imperial Advanced Shipyard Sheet
- Tie Interceptor (1 black health, 2 black damage)
- Tie Bomber (1 black health, 2 red damage)

Imperial Project Card new unit
- Tie Defender (2 black health, 1 black damage, 1 red damage)

Imperial Leaders
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Gilad Pellaeon

Each player receives one advanced shipyard figure at start of game. After both players have deployed all their initial space/ground units, each player places one advanced shipyard on a remote planet of their choice which must contains no other units.
At build icon step, if a player controls a remote planet that contains an advanced shipyard, they build one (two if they control both) of the units listed on their advanced shipyard sheet (unsure of which build queue space). Rebels can build an A-wing or B-wing. Imperials can build a Tie Interceptor or Tie Bomber.

Reasoning of starfighters:
If the new units were just more powerful blue triangles, they would always be picked. As far as the new units having twice the damage, they could just do 1 damage instead of 2 and I think it would still work. If so, the corresponding advanced tactic cards should be made more powerful.

Reasoning of commanders:
Thrawn is a fan favorite both in official canon (Rebels cartoon) and EU/Legends. His leader tactic values should be 3/3 since he is known as a strategist. I couldn't think of another popular Imperial fleet leader so picked Gilad Pellaeon since he is a central character in EU/Legends. Admiral Raddus was the leader of the fleet in Rogue One. Nien Nunb was Lando's copilot in Return of the Jedi. I'm open to a Spec Ops characters being added or swapped for Pellaeon/Raddus. I would choose Bossk or IG-88 for being bounty hunters and Ahsoka for being a fan favorite in Clone Wars and Rebels cartoon.

Possible project/objective cards:
New Imperial project card should be Tie Defender prototype where you can build 1 or 2 of them. One of the new Rebel Objective card should center around the advanced shipyards.

More possible ideas:
Deploy large minefield tokens or select a few random planets at the start of the game to have large asteroid tokens. Minefield/asteroids would prevent capital ships (blue square) from entering those planet spaces or, if they do, they have chance of being destroyed (dice roll).

Edited by StrikerIVI

I like the shipyard idea, probably the best justification for adding these units that I've seen.

Rae Sloane might be a fun canon alternative to Pellaeon.

wow...fun!....want the SHIPYARD idea!!...