So I've commonly encountered 2 phenomena in trying out different lists:
1) I am better than my list. In this scenario I find constantly reaching for a toolset that isn't there. Key pieces are missing, not quite good enough or elements aren't costed appropriately to allow for sufficiently flexible list building.
This has been my experience with a lot of rebels right now. Much of the action economy hasn't been good enough, the defensive tech too inefficient, too many weird holes in chasis (No pilot above I4 in the best arc dodger in faction, the A-Wing, E-Wing linking with Target Locks instead of focus). In 1.0, I could consistently use EPTs, Crews, etc to patch these holes or make weaker pilots with useful pilot abilities more viable, but the quality of upgrades has plummeted making pilots that don't natively have passive mods or action economy unappealing and hard to get to function. This has comboed very poorly with the reduction in passive mods and many of the I6 agility 3 aces either remaining the same or getting better meaning I do a lot of work for full strings of hits/crits only to get it casually shrugged off. In short, most of the normal chasis in rebels are kind of boring and underwhelming.
2) The list is better than I am. I've encountered this in a few different games. You put a list on the table, and despite your inexperience and underutilizing significant elements, it still performs well. It has a skill ceiling that you are nowhere near, but is still performing well.
This has been my experience with Rebel Han and Lando. These pilots are dumb. The best way to sum up their pilot abilities is that they're always better than you think they are. For example, my lack of experience with large bases led to Lando just barely dropping his base on a rock...but he just used the action from his pilot ability to boost off of it because as long as you fully execute, his pilot ability doesn't care about hitting rocks. I had solo jump an asteroid to get a better position and realized that his pilot ability is literally any dice roll including the dice roll to take damage from rocks or suffer the effects of various criticals. I'm not 100% sure I have the upgrades correct and there may even be better pairings, but these 2 ships have been breezing through match-ups that were previously giving more typical Rebel builds trouble.
It's also really noteworthy that they still very much behave like 1.0 turrets. In the butterfly orientation (left and right) you can easily do all the shenanigans you could previously do with 360 turrets with very few problems. I've only switched to hourglass (front and back) mode a handful of times. Just having your arcs oriented sideways presents a substantial advantage over front arc ships as you'll frequently find yourself in situations where you only need a hard or soft turn, possibly with a boost to get on target while they need room for full on K-Turns/T-rolls/Sloops etc.
So far I've gone against four ship rebels twice, imp aces (Vader, Fel, Palp shuttle), Ryad mini swarm and a double fang k-fighter. I lost to palp aces due to a lot of personal stupidity, but still took down Vader and half of the shuttle. Barely beat 1 of the four ship rebels (granted that was my first game with the list) and the rest got rocked really hard (like half points for one falcon only). The games are also less annoying to play. I definitely recall a number of games with normal Rebel builds where I went through flaming hoops to line up a pair of focus and target locked shots on Ryad for her to casually dodge everything, or engineered a block and pair of range 1 shots on vader for him to take 1 damage and table me or when my opponent flew Fenn Rau super badly, but his pilot ability and green dice kept bailing him out. This was really starting to grate on me. But with Han Lando I don't even care. Ryad shrugged off a pair of full strings from Han and Lando, but I was just like, "whatever, I can do it again next turn and the turn after that".
I'm really not sure where these pilots fall on the scale, but their pilots abilities are pretty amazing and the platform for those abilities is solid as well. Wouldn't be surprised to see lists with one or both pilots run by players with more experience becoming meta staples and despite their intimidating cost, they run well on few, if any, upgrades (ran most of these games with just trick shot on Han and Lando with Nien and Falcon title). I guess fat turrets are dead, long live fat turrets?