Hi all,
Our little party is plugging it's way through the basic set (and the heroes are loosing every game, but that's another topic all together) and a question has come up regarding the Master Spider's Web ability.
If the spider hits a hero and does 1 damage, in which of these cases will the hero gain a web token?
1. If he has 3 points of armor (let's say 1 natural and 2 from chainmail).
2. If he has no armor, but exhausts his shield to prevent the 1 damage.
3. If he has no armor, no shield, no nothing!
The rules say that if a point of damage is done before armor reduces the damage then the web sticks, but if what we wanna know is if the shield preventing that 1 point stops the webbing.
(presumably the same ruling for other effects that kick-in on a hit like the stun)
Thanks all!