Complete FAD Career & Force Power Trees

By FictionalDan, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hello everyone. Now that we have all the career sourcebooks out for FAD, does anyone know of any sources that have compiled all the career and force power trees into a single PDF document?

Looking to reduce the amount of book flipping. Thanks!

Same place they always are... (second link)

? Har Har.

Each of the existing compendiums either on this forum or other pages (beggingforxp, etc.) don't feature content from unlimited power and knights of fate. Thus my query about updated and COMPLETE collections of the trees and the force powers. If you can show me one that has Conjure and Endure, I will eat my words. Otherwise, thank for you being unhelpful and missing the key issue of my post.

Dude. The Force Power trees in that link have Conjure and Endure. So get your fork and spoon. Holy fecklessness, Batman...

And sorry, but I'm not gonna show you how to find the dozens of free PDF editors out there that can smoosh them into a single PDF for you...

Edited by emsquared

Not sure why Emsquared is antagonizing you. Here's the link (to the link):

Thanks SavageBob! This is exactly what I was looking for.