I played my son (twice) on Monday. Me using Imperials, him rebels.
He has the upper hand in wins, and the margin of those victories, mine being very close, his somewhat easier (including a 399 - 0 win thanks to some spectacularly inept flying on my part!).
Our first game had one specific incident in it of which I was very proud - My VSD2, with Intel Officer, Disposable Capacitors, Quad Battery Turrets and Heavy Ion Emplacements destroyed his MC80 flagship (the version with 5 front hull - Don't know name/version).
Double arc from my VSD facing only his front - Very, very lucky dice rolls I felt in that I accuracied all of his defence tokens and did a lot of damage with the other dice on one turn. The following turn, similar thing and bang went the MC80. Having also dealt with one of his Nebulons, the next turn, we called it and set up again. I have to also say his dice rolling was not very good.
Similar result albeit we played to the end with my ISD2 (Screed, Strategic Advisor, Gunnery Team, ECM, HIE, QBT) dealing with the MC80, and although I lost the VSD (plus 2 tie fighters and Howlrunner) I tabled him for a 496 - 161 victory!
Both games were Contested Outpost
Given my previous level of incompetence I can only put Monday's game down to three things:
1. Luck - Very likely!
2. Him going easy on me - Very unlikely. I mean, which son would not like to beat their father at games?
3. Watching tactics videos on Youtube is finally paying off as the information seems to have sunk through my thick skull - Possible!
So regarding the third point, my thanks to @Crabbok , @shmitty and others - You're hard work in producing these has improved the game play of at least this player.
Now all I need to do is play other people, whom I'm sure will bring me back down to earth with a massive bump!