I've had a problem with the Magus-Mystic's Channel Agony Talent for some time.
Yes, I know, pain for power is traditionally a dark ability, so it fits as a Dark Side ability. I'm not complaining about that. I'm complaining about the double-dip of Conflict, and the fact that you also take wounds for it. Yes, you can heal them pretty fast, you've got two Healing Trance Talents, plus up to three more if you dip into the Healer-Consular, but the Conflict double-dip is just painful as a player.
I've finally decided how I'd rewrite it, too: Just have the Dark O gained be Neutral O instead, using the Force Point symbol from EotE and AoR. Basically, it counts as Dark for Dark Siders and Light for Light Siders. It's thematically inappropriate, but a change like that would give me a reason to actually consider getting the Talent.
Does anyone agree? Do you have different solutions? Or am I just being a big baby about the nature of the Dark Side?
Edited by MachaeusAdded a question at the end, after "does anyone agree"