Possible option for those willing to play with a MoM painted version

By LordSevia, in Mansions of Madness

Good day everyone,

I have never posted in this forum before, but I think it is worth to post this information here for people that is willing to play with a painted version of Mansions of Madness but doesn't have enough time/expertise to paint it by themselves, like me.

Playing with a painted version of the game for me is an important part of the experience, so I started the search for companies painting miniatures on demand and I came up with a provider called Minis & Brushes which are not only great professionals, but also they make it for a price that is more than affordable.

I'm attaching to this post some sample pictures and while I will not disclose the price I paid for it, below you will find their official webpage in case you want to contact them and to see samples and aproximate prices.

All painted miniatures are Level 1 (they have 5 different finishes available). Scenography was ordered to a thirdparty and they painted them as well.

Honestly, I couldn't be more happy, things like using 3D doors instead of a plain chip are the details that helps me to get in to the history.

I hope you enjoy it!

Minis & Brushes webpage: https://www.minisandbrushes.com/
The company is based in Zaragoza and as far as I have seen, they are also english speakers.




And more samples



Wow! They look awesome!!!

Yerterday I met with a friend to play with the new painted miniatures and scenography. This is how it looks like:

