How to put the Witch king figures ingame, and how to attack the fellowship

By Babat, in War of the Ring


I have 2 main questions:

1- Ive been playing with some friends, and I choose the dark side, but we still dont know how we use our special character figures in game (example the witch king)

2- we where playing and we as the shadow side discovered the ring bearers as result of a hunt, so they moved to a place with no free people. then in the shadow turn to use an action die, I decided to move an army I had into the region that the fellowship are. we read the rule book and it shows how to do battles between armies but it never says what happens if I decide to attack the fellowship that is not hidden, do i roll a die like a hunt roll? do I attack like an army? what do I do?

1. The triggering conditions are right on the cards of the minions. For the Witch-king, the Sauron nation needs to be at war. Once it is at war, then as an action, you can use a Muster action die to place the Witch-king in any army with Sauron units. The Witch-king acts a leader when in an army. When that army is in Combat, and the SP uses a Combat Card in the first round, the SP can then immediately draw an Event card from either of his decks.

When Isengard is at war, as an action, the SP can use a Muster action die to place Saruman in Orthanc. Once he is in play, the SP can use a Muster action die to do the Voice of Saurman, which allows him to place one regular Isengard unit in North Dunland, South Dunland, and Orthanc; or he can replace two regular Isengard units in Orthanc with two elite units.

When all the FP nations are at war or the fellowship is in Mordor, the SP can use a Muster action die to place the Mouth of Sauron in any Sauron Stronghold. Once per turn, the SP can change a muster die into an army die.

2. The Fellowshi[p can never be directly attacked. There are many SP Event cards (usually Character Event cards) that can be played only while the fellowship is revealed. These cards usually result in corruption.

Plus you get to re-roll one Hunt die while the Fellowship is in the same area with an army.

klempad said:

Plus you get to re-roll one Hunt die while the Fellowship is in the same area with an army.

Or a Nazgul (which I find to be more likely). If you have an army unit and a Nazgul, you get two rerolls.