End Zone Store Championship - Clearfield UT

By Onidsen, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

This is a little late, but we had our Store Championship last weekend.

There were 9 players, 4 Rebel, 5 Imperial. Our spread of Admirals was rather broad - 2 Thrawn, 1 Sloane, 1 Jerjerrod, 1 Tarkin, 2 Leia, 1 Madine, and 1 Sato

1st place was a Sloane list with Avenger, a Quasar Fire, and one or two Gozantis, all commanding a swarm of Phantoms. (Sorry - I don't have exact lists)

I was 2nd place with Tarkin, commanding Sovereign on a Cymoon, an Arquitens, a Raider, 2 Gozanti Assault Variants, and 4 TIE squads

I played my first game against the Madine list, which ran a MC80 Liberty with Gunnery Teams alongside an MC75 Ordnance Cruiser, Jaina's Light, and a pair of GR75s (no squadrons). We both had 400 points exactly, he chose 1st, and I picked his Intel Sweep. He picked off a Gozanti and flakked my squadrons down, while I killed Jaina's light and one of his transports. We each picked up 2 tokens (I activated my objective ship right next to the 3rd, but forgot to pick it up, so I missed that opportunity), and I sneaked away with a 6-5 win and a 48 point margin of victory.

The second game was against Sato - his list was an MC75, 2 Hammerheads, and a GR75, with Han, Hera, 2xVCXs, Jan Ors and Shara Bey as squadrons. I was first, and picked his Opening Salvo. It was a hard-fought game, but after trading the arq, the raider, and a Gozanti for his hammerheads and some damage on his MC75, I managed to get my untouched Star Destroyer into a ramming match with his shieldless MC75, and that was the game.

Third game was against Leia, who commanded a Liberty, 2 GR75s, and 3 Hammerheads, with a variety of squadrons (there were a few Z95s and a couple y-wings, but I don't remember the full complement. A few A-wings too, IIRC). He took first, and played my Contested Outpost. This one went to time just finishing up turn 4, and things might have been different otherwise - the game ended with me having killed all of his ships but the Liberty, and losing only the Raider and the TIEs. But the Liberty was in my side arc, and my shields were mostly gone, so the exact way things would have fallen out is not clear.

This was my first ever competitive game of Armada, so a huge shoutout to the TO and the players for creating a welcoming community for a new (ish) player and the store for providing our space. I enjoyed myself immensely, and hope to be able to make it to another one soon.