Revenge is Sweet...

By RedDogReb, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

A couple of friends introduced Armada to the local gaming club attended by myself and my son (18yo), and now there are 6 of us playing. On this basis we started the Correlian Campaign.

I am one of three Imperial players, with the others obviously the rebels.

The first game involving two other players, and was a loss for the Empire.

Second game of the first round was mine, and was against my son - He and I have played a few times, most recently he beat me by 4 points!

My fleet:

ISD2, Motti, Leading Shots

VSD2, Leading Shots

VSD2, Leading Shots

Gozantis, Comms Net

Lambda Shuttle,

4 Tie Fighters

My sons fleet:

MC80, General Dodonna, Mon Karren

MC30, Rapid Reload

Nebulon B, Yavaris

CR90b, Dodonna Pride


4 x X wing squadrons

I was defending his attack, and he chose Solar Corona.

I had a Spynet token.

Set Up:

He set up first and in the middle of the board - From my left to right: CR90, Nebulon, MC80, MC30, CR90.

I set up castled in my left corner, the ISD flanked by two VSDs. Asked if he wanted to use a spynet token, he said no (not sure if he had one or not), but I used mine to move the ISD to the right hand corner to flank / set up a pincer.

I knew I needed to do something usual, hence the ISD move, and during activation on T1, followed that by reducing speed on the left most VSD to 0. This really confused my son. However as I watched his gradual activations, his fleet tended to be turning towards the ISD, with the exception of the MC80. The ISD2 was set up at Speed 2, but increased to 3.

The end of T2 saw the ISD facing the front of the MC30, having taken a sot at extreme range previously, and the rear of one CR90, and the front of the other a little further away.

The VSDs are now flying in a small echelon, facing the Nebulon and MC80.

X wings are engaging the furthest forward VSD, while my ties are harrying a CR90.

Turn 3 saw the destruction of the Nebulon and the furthest forward VSD (meaning I was down on points), but the remaining VSD and the ISD are closing in on the MC80.

Turn 4 saw the ISD and remaining VSD get damage onto the CR90s and MC80, but not enough to destroy either of the former.

The end of the turn saw the ISD in perfect place to double arc the MC80, while the VSD had it in front arc.

Turn 5 The MC80 activated first and heavily damaged the VSD, while inflicting minor damage on the ISD. By this time the MC30 was heavily damaged but out of the fight over on the right. The two CR90s were also heavily damaged, and getting out of the fight.

The combined fire of the VSD and ISD shredded any remaining shields and did plenty of internal but the MC80 was still a viable fighting ship.

Last turn the MC80 activated first again, and again unloaded its front arc into the VSD which was now in front of it, and blocking further movement.

The VSD survived, due to some poor dice rolls (these were a feature of this game for the rebels unfortunately), and replied in kind, leaving the MC80 on one or two hull points. The rest of the rebel fleet was out of effective range, which meant the next important activation was the ISD.

This delivered the coup de grace to the MC80, and then tried to do the same to a damaged CR90 at long range but the long shot didn't pay off and the CR90 survived on one hull point.

Once we had totalled up, the Imperials had won by 57 points, having lost a VSD, the ties and Lambda, against the Nebulon B and MC80. The remaining VSD survived thanks to Mottis magic duck tape, as it had 8 damage at the end of the game.

So Round 1 of our campaign is now 1 - 1 with the last two players to face off soon (after holidays etc).

(I did take pics but can't seem to get them to load - They are in JPEG format saved on my PC)