I played Talisman mostly within the Digital Edition. There, playing with No Respawn (permanent death - bloodbath) is great ; if you die early, you can just start another Talisman game, or do whatever you want on your PC. If you die late, same deal ; and sometimes it is fun to win the game by killing all players one by one, without having to reach the crown.
However in real life, if someone happens to die after the first 15 minutes, it can be a bit of an issue ; surely the person does not want to spend the remaining 4 hours just sitting and watching.
On the other hand, if we play without the No Respawn rule, when someone dies after 2 hours of the game ; they have to respawn in a world where they have less than 1% chance to do meaningful actions. It just feels like rolling the dice over and over - whatever you do, you are so far behind anyway that nothing will allow you to win the game. In the worst case (or best?) everyone dies, and well it's 2 hours gone, everyone has to start over with new characters.
So my question is : how do you handle the situation where someone dies in the middle of the game ? as in, when everyone has like 6-7 str/craft, a bunch of items and followers. Or do you follow a kind of modified permanent death rule ?
Edited by potterman28wxcv