Subterfuge Skill Rapid Fire

By lego2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Card Reads: After making a ranged attack, you may immediately spend 2 fatigue to make 1 additional attack with the same weapoin this turn. You may use this ability multiple times, paying its cost each time.

Does this mean that if you character has 7 fatigue he can then make his initial attack as well as an additional 3 attacks?

Lego said:

Card Reads: After making a ranged attack, you may immediately spend 2 fatigue to make 1 additional attack with the same weapoin this turn. You may use this ability multiple times, paying its cost each time.

Does this mean that if you character has 7 fatigue he can then make his initial attack as well as an additional 3 attacks?

Yes. (He only actually needs 6 fatigue of course - with 7f he can declare a battle action, shoot, rapid fire 3 more times, spend his last fatigue to drink a fatigue potion and then shoot a second time, rapid firing 3 more times.)

It is a good thing Ranged attacks are the weakest type!

Carbon Said:

It is a good thing Ranged attacks are the weakest type!

I guess so ;)

Thanks for clearing that up.