Maximum number of talents?

By Tkalamov, in Rules Questions

Hello all. The character sheet has the talent pyramid, which makes it seem like there is a limit on how many talents you can have, though I don't recall reading anywhere in the CRB that there actually is one. Is it up to the GM to state what the maximum is, or is there an actual limit?

No limit. As a player I'd be more interested in maxing out Skills long before Talents personally anyway.

4 hours ago, Tkalamov said:

Hello all. The character sheet has the talent pyramid, which makes it seem like there is a limit on how many talents you can have, though I don't recall reading anywhere in the CRB that there actually is one. Is it up to the GM to state what the maximum is, or is there an actual limit?

Technically, there’s is no limit. That being said, you will eventually run out of published talents, so that’s a soft limit. Of course, you and/or your GM can make your own talents to allow you to have more, so the published limit isn’t a hard and fast rule.

The limit of the talent pyramid on the character sheet is just due to space: you can only have so many talents listed on a single page.