We had an interesting interaction question come up in the Zion's Finest Slack, and thought we'd consult over here to see if we can get an official ruling (or if @a1bert could weigh in). Here's Ezra's card for reference, we're looking at Much to Learn:
So, assuming that all the conditions are met (a friendly Force User within 3 spaces), how does the "turn that attack die to any side instead" interact with the reroll rules and the cards that affect them?
The question basically boils down to 2 components: whether dice that are turned to any side are considered rerolled, and whether the use of the word "that" in "turn that attack die to any side instead" constitutes a requirement that the targeted die for the "turn to any side" effect must be eligible for a reroll because of the preceding text.
In terms of outcomes, which of these are legal, and which are not?
1) The defender playing Tough Luck to remove a die that has been turned to any side by Much to Learn, or forcing a reroll on that die?
2) The attacker rerolling one of Ezra's attack dice from some other effect (Mitigate, for example), and then using Much to Learn to turn the rerolled die to any side.