RTL Treasure Cache cards

By swissjak, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I tried using the search function, but it was ponderous and no results came up for 'cache'.

At the beginning of the campaign all treasure cache cards are removed from their respective treasure decks, yet later on, they are mentioned as being a part of the desk to simulate 'market shortage'.

Is the setup in error? I've been bashing my head against the book (reading) and FAQ and haven't found anything. I'm sure this is a quick answer and I thank you for your time to respond.

It's not "all" caches, just the ones that contain Invulnerability potions from the Alter of Despair (since they aren't used in the campaign). Check out pg 8, bottom right corner:

"Copper Deck: “Minor Healing,” and all “Treasure Cache”
cards containing invulnerability potions (found in The Altar
of Despair)."


AHA! Makes perfect sense! I only picked up Well of Darkness and never encountered them before. Thank you so much!