My pc will encounter an illness in a village on Dusk they are "checking". Had a hard time coming up with one that is not "Nurgles Rot".
Input welcome!
Cold Fevercough
Starting like the common cold, the cold fevercough rapidly turns into a very heavy cough with cold sweat. A little later, the sick person gets the shakes and the coughing is accompanied by the sputurn(?correct word: german "
"?) of a greenish slime.
Droplet Infection. In in contact with infected persons, an ordinary* toughness test must be passed each day (modified for "taken measures" and severity of the contact).
Duration & Course:
The illness takes its course over (14-TB) days. Each day, the sick person must take an ordinary toughness test. Failure results in the loss of 1d5 points of Toughness (+1 for every level of failure). After the first test is failed, the sick persons suffers from fits of painfull coughs, the described sputurn and shakes, resulting in a (5-TB) penalty on all roles (second stage of the illness). After three failed tests, the sick person is prone to rapid exhaustions (Toughness test after TB-Minutes of strenuous activity and after every combat; if failed, a level of fatigue is gained) (third stage of the illness).
If the figure is in the second or third stage of the illness, three tests passed in a row will bring the figure back to the previous stage.
Once the illness is over, a number of toughness points equal to figures TB is recovered after each day.