first games with app - imperial instructions question

By michigun1, in Legends of the Alliance


Help me pls with example:

Stormtroopers activate:


current position:


only 2 heroes are in attack range, 2 other far away.

Both closest heroes wounded, so no "healthy hero" .

What troopers will do?

I would think that, since they can't attack a healthy hero, they will chose the closest other viable target instead? So, they're gunning for Gaarkhan? (Note, I'm shite at the rules)

If no figure that matches the requirement cannot be attacked (with the move 3), you target the closest rebel instead.

Here Gaarkhan is closer than Mak.

If there are two alternatives (if they were the same distance), Imperial Rule says to pick one that's worse for the heroes, i.e. the one closer to being withdrawn.

it doesn't apply here but doesn't "chooses a legal target that best satisfies the criteria." kicks in prior to "closest"?

Yes, try a figure that next-best satisfies the criteria, then the next-best...

With <<hero name>> you can fall back to closest rebel figure directly.