We have a game that ended due to gm not having enough time and a new gm is picking it up and allowing us to used the same amount of points as from the ending game.
The character that one of my buddies wants to do is something like a palpatine type I think (from our conversations) and he is fairly new.
Here is the info:
more of a talker/politcal guy/social manipulator (we will have 2 or 3 other fighter types in the group
What he already wants:
-force powers: something like 100 pt.
-lightsaber skill: he wanted some but more focused on force powers than the LS at least to begin with
-all other skills he is just unsure of...
I know many ppl here like designing builds so what would your suggestions be for him?
just post any other questions if you need to
Thank you all
Edited by LordEnforcer