The dead do not envy the living. The vampire courts plot their bloody intrigues. The liches and baelnorns wage their silent, undying war. Spirits roam the night, occupied with their unfinished business. In time you will come to know what they know: death is only the beginning.
This expansion adds new Undead-themed cards to your Talisman collection, including the ability to become a Vampire. This functions much like becoming a Lycanthrope in Blood Moon. Unlike Lycanthropes, however, Vampires usually don't have an NPC roaming the board to spread their condition. Instead, several Adventure cards will offer you the chance to become a Vampire or force you to become one. The above image is the back of the Vampirism card. Below is the text of the Vampire card, along with a few of the new Adventure cards that make use of this new condition.