Customs Corvette at auction

By Viceroy Bolda, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

I put it up for auction!

This was a kitbash done by my before FFG decided to make EPIC ships for their X-WING miniatures game. In the photos, you can see the scale. According to the Wookiepedia article on the Corellian Customs Corvette, this would be the actual size if it was the FFG X-WING scale. It fits onto the FFG Corvette base (not included). I worked on this piece of art for every Saturday and Sunday for about six months (Northern winters are long and harsh). It is wired for two 9v batteries. The engines light up, as well as TWO bridges. There is a command bridge and a docking bridge with actual crew members, computers, control panels, and an astro-droid for scanning suspicious freighters. The Millenium Falcon fits easily between the front docking arms.

We used this for custom games using FFG X-WING miniatures AND IMPERIAL ASSAULT. Meaning, we started on the X-WING table, and used the Corvette with a tractor beam to capture a freighter/senator's shuttle/etc. Then we boarded the captured ship and played out an IMPERIAL ASSAULT/X-WING game simultaneously, turn by turn, with two tables, and multiple players. This was a TON of fun. Each player had his/her own mission objectives. Both teams had mission goals that the opposing team did not know. I can provide campaign details to the buyer upon request. The following scenario was designed for four players, but we easily included more by adjusting the points. We played games with very few points, up to over 1,000 in just the X-Wing table alone!
Imperial team:
Imperial Player 1 objective: capture transport, fend off rebel/scum interference.
Imperial Player 2 objective: board transport, inspect cargo for contraband/rebels/fugitives, etc.
Rebel/Scum team:
Rebel/Scum Player 1 objective: allow transport to be captured, damage Customs Corvette tractor beam to allow it's escape.
Rebel/Scum Player 2 objective: Infiltrate the Customs Corvette and capture contraband/prisoner/etc. and escape.
This kitbash is several years old and is sold as is. I have not plugged it in in a couple of years. It's been sitting on the shelf not getting played with. It took so much time and effort that it is a shame not to be played with, so I'm putting it up for sale.
I will also be selling a scratch built Action Transport and DP20 Gunship (Pictured but not included in this auction). Ask any questions you like.





Holy rusty metal, batman. That looks awesome.. What is it's stats and such?

On 8/13/2018 at 3:28 PM, LTuser said:

Holy rusty metal, batman. That looks awesome.. What is it's stats and such?

We used a Tantative fire base with beefed up raider ship cards and standard raider dial. Tractor beam was house rules.

Too late for me to bid/ buy! If anyone out there has this and wants to part....I am serious to buy!

On 7/6/2020 at 8:38 PM, lntrn8 said:

Too late for me to bid/ buy! If anyone out there has this and wants to part....I am serious to buy!

I have a Wild Karrde scratch build I could sell. It is 1/270.

It has light up engines.