Future expansions

By TylerTT, in KeyForge

On 8/13/2018 at 3:29 AM, Amanal said:

I suspect/guess that we'll see maybe the houses rotate in and out of each set. Maybe some weaker Houses get some loving while the stronger one sit it out.

Perhaps the first question here for us as gamers is, do we expect that new sets will contain new and unique cards or will FFG be OK putting some or even all of the old cards onto new cards? Would it be OK to have Mars and Shadown with card repeats to have maybe "Venus" as a house that has Steam Punk flavoured cards? Maybe players get 1-2 repeat houses and 1-2 fresh new ones per deck. For terms of balance this may be best, as long as there is some part of the process that ensures players don't just buy new decks with all 3 Houses being old cards.

With the way the game is made, there will never be a need to rotate anything out. Each additional card simply adds to the total number of unique deck combinations. Given that that number well exceeds the plausibly printable number within our remaining life spans, it there shouldn’t be a problem.

34 minutes ago, Derrault said:

With the way the game is made, there will never be a need to rotate anything out. Each additional card simply adds to the total number of unique deck combinations.

If you add cards in without rotating anything out, you reduce the odds of decks with multiples of a card. Which I usually find to be a plus in a deck.

28 minutes ago, Xelto said:

If you add cards in without rotating anything out, you reduce the odds of decks with multiples of a card. Which I usually find to be a plus in a deck.

That’s assuming every combination of cards has the same weighted probability of being selected by the sorting algorithm for printing.

Given that we already know the algorithm rejects some combinations, I’d posit this is has a fix simply by giving a higher weight to the new card options for some percentage of the run. (Ie these packs are twice as likely to select expansion 1 cards in the initial run, with a lowered probability after that point to equalize for all other options available, or even at least X guaranteed for the “expansion” run, with a normal mix included in the regular set