Sarasota FL store champs

By Darth Lupine, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Just finished the local store champs, and managed to score first place!

I was flying Empire, Thrawn on a Cymoon, three Gladiators and a Gozanti, no squadrons, assorted upgrades.

ill try to write a full report tomorrow, as I'm totally worn out!

For the Empire!

I’m eager to read it!!! Congratulations!!!

Allright, here's what I flew:

Blood Squadron

++ Standard (Imperial Navy) [400pts] ++

+ Gladiator Star Destroyer [208pts] +

Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer [76pts]: Assault Proton Torpedoes [5pts], Ordnance Experts [4pts], Skilled First Officer [1pts], •Demolisher [10pts]

Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer [66pts]: Assault Proton Torpedoes [5pts], Ordnance Experts [4pts], Skilled First Officer [1pts]

Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer [66pts]: Assault Proton Torpedoes [5pts], Ordnance Experts [4pts], Skilled First Officer [1pts]

+ Gozanti-class Flotilla [25pts] +

Gozanti-class Cruisers [25pts]: Comms Net [2pts]
. . Rules: Flotillas

+ Imperial Star Destroyer [167pts] +

Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit [167pts]: Gunnery Team [7pts], XI7 Turbolasers [6pts], •Grand Admiral Thrawn [32pts], •Intensify Firepower! [6pts], •Strategic Advisor [4pts]
. . Rules: Flagship

+ Objectives +

Assault Objective: Most Wanted

Defense Objective: Contested Outpost

Navigation Objective: Dangerous Territory

I am absolutely awful at remembering names so apologies to my opponents in advance.

First game was against a Sato list. MC75, 3 hammerheads, a transport and good assortment of squadrons. Iirc my opponent chose first player and picked my contested outpost (the other two scenarios were both Solar Corona and in all three games the scenario actually played little or no part, so I won't mention them again). He set up a single HH off to my right and the rest of his fleet off to my left. Demo and one f his buddies went off to pop the right flanker while the ISD with a Gladiator escort went left at speed opponent apparently forgot that that escort Glad was there, and at speed three managed to land the MC75 at short range and double arc of it, plus in front of the ISD. Intensify firepower and a CF Thrawn dial later, and enemy tabled. 10-1.

Second game was against an Empire player flying an ISD II, Demo, and an Interdictor (there were three Interdictor fleets here, and one had two of them @Drasnighta ). I think he went first, but with only three ships I had a huge activation advantage. I closed range very fast, and sacrificed a Glad for a one point I tought he had blown up demo, which was at close range of his ailing ISD, when in the most incredible display of sportsmanship and gaming manners I've ever seen, my opponent pointed out to me I had one shield left I could redirect the last damage point to; I was already removing the ship, and he allowed me to take the redirect and continue play. I'm sure he may have regretted that, lol, because Demo promptly rammed his ISD for the last point it had, taking them both out. After that my last GSD and ISD ganged up on his Interdictor. Tabled. 9-2.

Last game. Rebels, Raddus on a Liberty all tooled up, a shrimp, a transport, and lurking in hyperspace an MC75 with all the goodies. When I saw this I realized I had to force an early drop, or things would be grim. Everything sped up to three, and I rushed his fleet; this had the desired effect, and he dropped the 75 next to his Liberty, at which point it became more of a normal match. A close pass with Demo and his Glad escort on my left flank left both his capital ships limping, but still alive. Took a hit from my ISD to finish off the Liberty. However, his shrimp had snuck up on me, and my ISD went down (only game I lost it!). At this point I'm thinking I may lose this, but still had two Glads and the Gozanty. His shrimp went after one of my Glads, while the 75 tried to open up the range from my other one....and a nav error on his part ended up with it ramming his transport to death, and fixing it in place, which in turn allowed me to close the range and deliver the death blow. On the left his shrimp closed to medium range, shot front hit. No shields, I have one hull left, he fires two blues from the side....double accuracies! The shrimp tried to ram, but with no nav token or dial, could not, and ended up in close range...... Torps away, dead shrimp. Tabled. 7-4.

This was a fun tourney indeed. Eight players total. Loved this list, and will definitely keep using the Grand Admiral!

Very nice!!! Thrawn cf on all 3 dials each game?

8 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Very nice!!! Thrawn cf on all 3 dials each game?

Had two CF, one engineering. Ended up not using the engineering, and the Glads had SFO for the couple times I needed a CF and Thrawn wasn't active.

Congratulations on another win. Was fun to see such a huge list variety. It seems Sarasota solved the meta problem by not having one xD

15 hours ago, Jorbas Sabain said:

Congratulations on another win. Was fun to see such a huge list variety. It seems Sarasota solved the meta problem by not having one xD

Indeed, lists were all over the place.