Character Travelogue

By bsmith23, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Remember those? What do you think about a project to make those for NDS. I have no skills, so...

Edited by bsmith23

For the uninitiated (i.e. me), could you explain what those were?

Edited by MirumotoOrashu

The where deluxe bound character sheets booklets, with a gloss cover featuring one of the Clan Mons..

Which I always found stupid since they cost to much to be used for what they where.

So they just wound up being collectors items.

Edited by tenchi2a
2 hours ago, tenchi2a said:

So they just wound up being collectors items.

Agreeing on that one. Have a few of those for some other games and they just waited for "the right group". Now they're just part of the collection in instead.

My group used them for years and loved them. i’ve Always felt they were the best character sheets ever put together for a game.

Edited by MonkeyPaste